Young East Anglia pilgrims complete joyous Camino

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Thirty (mostly) young pilgrims from the Diocese of East Anglia, led by Bishop Peter Collins, have completed a six-day, 120km stretch of the Camino Portugués – the Portuguese Way – from the Portuguese border at Valença northwards to Santiago de Compostela in Spain over a period of six days.

The group walked through pretty villages and cities, including Pontevedra, Redondela and Padron, along winding mountain paths and through shady meadows in temperatures that tipped 35C at times.

Staying mostly in youth hostels, the group also enjoyed evening meals together and celebrated Morning Prayer and Mass each evening in diverse settings including a cathedral, a parish church, a youth hostel and a Michelin-starred restaurant.

On Saturday, 27 July, the group walked the final 24km into Santiago before gathering in the square in front of the famous Cathedral of St James to cheers from all around.

The following day the pilgrims returned to the cathedral, where Bishop Collins was the celebrant at the 12 noon Pilgrim Mass which was full to overflowing with pilgrims from all over the world.

The group then went to the Pilgrim Office to get a final stamp in their Pilgrim Passport and a certificate of achievement for walking at least 100km.

Despite no walking training, Bishop Collins impressively finished the entire walk, much to the amazement of his fellow pilgrims who knew how much effort he had put in under the burning sun.

Speaking in the cathedral afterwards, Bishop Peter said:

“I am very pleased to have completed the Camino and it has been a wonderful six days of journeying from Valença to Santiago. Our group has bound together and shared much. It has been hard work – and at the end of the first day everyone thought I was going to collapse, but I managed to keep going, which was a great blessing.

“But every day has brought many fruits, lots of encounters, lots of sacramental engagement as we followed the apostolic path to Santiago. Despite the pain in the feet and other parts of the body, joy is truly the defining ingredient. Sharing life with others on a pilgrim way brings many insights, many reflections, much prayer and great blessing.

“It has been a privilege talking and listening to our young people who have been very open, engaged and engaging. They have opened their hearts to possibilities, they are truly searching and they have gained much from the sharing one with another along the way, as have I,” said Bishop Collins. “We also talked to many international pilgrims along the way in wonderful joyful encounters.

“It was a special joy to celebrate in Spanish at a parish church and at the Cathedral of St James in Santiago, which was full to overflowing and the whole world was there – Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia – truly the Apostolic Church congregated in celebration of its faith – and a joyful thing it is to behold.”

East Anglia’s Director of Youth Services, Hamish MacQueen, who had organised the entire trip, said:

“They have been an absolutely amazing group and I feel moved by a real sense of journeying together, everyone looking after and supporting each other.

“There were a lot of conversations and discussions amongst pilgrims and questions asked and answered. Deep questions about what to do next in life, maybe a calling or vocation. I know that for many young people, having the opportunity to walk alongside and speak to a priest or bishop at length is such a unusual opportunity to have and I know that has been very much valued.

“It has been wonderful and I know people have come closer to God through it.”

The young pilgrims were accompanied by Fr Peter Wygnanski, Deacon Huw Williams, Rebecca Bretherton and Vanessa Potter in the support car and Rob and Pam Smith.

The youngest pilgrim was 17-year-old Clotilde D’Mello, who was also the official first aider and put her St John’s Ambulance training impressively into effect when one pilgrim collapsed from heat-stroke and had to visit a local hospital. Her skills were used more frequently in treating the numerous blisters on the pilgrims’ feet.

Click below to watch daily videos on the Diocese of East Anglia’s website that were recorded during the Camino.

Day 1 – The start of the East Anglia Camino

Day 2 – Oscar’s story

Day 3 – Valentina’s story

Day 4 – Fr Peter’s story

Day 5 – Alex’s story

Day 6 – Arrival in Santiago

Day 7 – Santiago Cathedral Pilgrims’ Mass and Bishop Peter’s Camino story


Image: © Keith Morris/