We Dare To Say is a resource for faith-sharing groups on The Lord's Prayer structured over five weeks.
Also in 2025: Pilgrims of Hope
Jubilee 2025: Reflection Booklets >Lent is often thought of as a time for giving something up, in order to engage with a penitential practice. The liturgy reminds us, Lent is also a season for the Lord to pour out his grace and blessing upon us. The renewal within our lives which we seek, is the fruit of God’s saving grace, and not something we may achieve by ourselves. It is good for us to keep these things in mind, as we receive the gift of this five week Lenten programme during this Jubilee Year.
Our thanks go to Mark Nash of the Archdiocese of Southwark for producing the booklet and to Sr Hyacinthe OP and the Dominican Sisters for preparing these five sessions and reflections on the mystery of Christian Hope. During our journey through Lent, these reflections invite us to enter five familiar Gospel moments. Through these stories of Hope; the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the return of Our Lady and St Joseph for the Finding of Jesus in the Temple, the encounter of Jesus with the Canaanite Woman, the meeting of the repentant thief with Jesus at Calvary, the journey of two disciples to Emmaus and their meeting with Jesus, we discover much about the virtue of Hope. We too are pilgrims of the good news, engaged with a journey into missionary discipleship.
Whether we are following these resources in a group or on our own, may these beautiful prayers and reflections help us to encounter the Hope which Christ Jesus offers each and very one of us. And please remember me in your prayers.
Rt Revd Dr David J Oakley
Chair of the Department of Evangelisation and Discipleship
Bishop of Northampton
In St Luke’s account of the Early Church we hear that three thousand were baptised following Pentecost (Acts 2:41). Guided by the Holy Spirit, the newly baptised ‘devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers‘ (Acts 2:42). In a similar fashion thousands of people have found spiritual nourishment in faith-sharing, in reflecting on Scripture and prayer as part of a small group.
This resource feeds such small groups drawing on the Scriptures with each session clearly rooted in a passage from the Bible. As the Second Vatican Council Fathers emphasised ‘in the sacred books the Father comes lovingly to meet his children and talks with them’ (Dei Verbum, 21).
Fellowship is a vital part of small group participation. In these small groups you are able to get to know your fellow Christians better and to form strong, mutually supportive bonds. We are a living community: ‘God does not make men holy and save them merely as individuals, without bond or link …’’ (Lumen Gentium, 9).
Members of small groups are encouraged to share and gain confidence in talking about their faith. It is this confidence building in a trusting environment that helps participants to ‘love in all the circumstances of ordinary life’ (Gaudium et Spes, 38). Our prayers together help us to become the dwelling places of the Holy Spirit that we are called to be (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 2).