Fr Jonathan How, a priest of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, has been presented with the Bronze Wolf Award, the highest award for adults in World Scouting, for his contribution in the area of spiritual development and Interreligious Dialogue in scouting. In particular Fr Jonathan had been responsible for the Religious and Spiritual Programme at the 2007 World Scout Jamboree in the UK and for its subsequent development and growth. He has also helped the movement in its important work in Interreligious Dialogue.
Fr Jonathan said “Scouting is a major international movement with over 50 million members from all over the world and from every religion and none. It is a real privilege to be able to support their efforts to create a better world through the spiritual and religious development of their members.
“I was quite shocked when I received a letter last month telling me about the award. They are really rare – in fact the list of recipients is short enough that there is even a Wikipedia page of them. Most of us know how much Scouting is part of our lives, and we try to beaver away quietly, but it’s only when someone tells us that we realise how much our scouting is part of other people’s lives too and that our efforts have been noticed.”
Bishop Richard Moth, Liaison Bishop for Scouting said “This award is a testimony to all that Fr Jonathan gives to Scouting and to his witness to so many young people and the leadership of Scouting round the world. It is well deserved.”