Supporting those suffering in the Holy Land

Agencies, NGOs and charities are responding to this humanitarian crisis by offering you a number of ways to support the suffering in the Holy Land.

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The on-going war in Gaza has engulfed the region, resulting in a humanitarian catastrophe leaving thousands dead and many without homes or any source of income.

Many Christian organisations are running appeals to provide support and essential items for the suffering people of the Holy Land.


Our Aid and Development agency, CAFOD, offers information that will help you respond to this tragedy. Whilst it is increasingly difficult to provide assistance, CAFOD’s local partners in Gaza are still managing to respond to the needs around them with the resources they have, but many of their staff have now been displaced and face increasing challenges amid intensified bombardment.

Donate or take action to help the people of the Holy Land.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is working with Church partners on the ground to provide Christians in the Holy Land with emergency aid – water, food, medicine, rent and other essentials for struggling families in desperate need.

Make a donation today.

Friends of the Holy Land

Friends of the Holy Land, is a non-political Christian Charity looking to secure a resilient and enduring Christian community in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan.

It has set up a special fund to help the Christian community in the Holy Land endure this crisis and become more resilient. In this ever-changing situation, the fund will continue to meet emergency physical and emotional needs identified by FHL’s on-the-ground contacts. The fund will also help the community sow the seeds for a more sustainable future – whenever a ceasefire is achieved.

You can donate here.

Embrace the Middle East

Embrace the Middle East is a Christian development charity who partner with Christians in the Middle East to transform lives and restore the dignity of the most excluded and marginalised communities.

Embrace the Middle East have set up a Gaza Crisis Appeal. Your donation will support the response of Embrace’s Christian partners now and in the aftermath of this catastrophic war. Their partners will be working to heal wounds and respond to the widespread destruction of human life, social fabric and physical infrastructure, in Gaza and more widely in Palestine and Israel.

You can donate here.