Catholic News

‘Catholic News’ is a podcast carrying interviews with a diverse range of people – lay people, religious and clergy – involved on the front line of the Catholic Church’s work in England and Wales.

Alleviating the cost-of-living crisis

30th October 2023

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Catholic News
Alleviating the cost-of-living crisis

Director of Policy and Research here at the Bishops’ Conference, Philip Booth, joins us to talk about our latest cost-of-living statement.

Philip is an economist who is also Professor of Finance, Public Policy and Ethics at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, as well the university’s Director of Catholic Mission.

The Bishops’ Conference statement, released by the Department for Social Justice ahead of the Government’s Autumn Statement, recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is multi-faceted and requires actions at a range of levels, including Government, civil society and the Church.

It makes a number of specific requests of the Government including the call that the taxation system should treat justly those with family and other caring responsibilities. Other requests relate to the provision and cost of housing, welfare benefits, the removal of the two-child cap on universal credit payments, and the transition to greener energy. You can read the full statement here.

Philip also discusses the preferential option for the poor that lies at the heart of Catholic life, what our network of Catholic charities are doing to alleviate poverty, the role of our parishes and schools, and how we can all we can all play a part – no matter our personal circumstances.


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World Mission Sunday – Wisdom from encounter

19th October 2023

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Catholic News
World Mission Sunday - Wisdom from encounter

Father Anthony Chantry joins us for this Catholic News podcast to discuss World Mission Sunday. Celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of October, it’s a chance to support missionaries and the churches, hospitals and schools where they do the Lord’s work, in countries where the Church is new, young or poor.

Fr Chantry is the National Director of Missio, the Pope’s official charity for world mission.

On Sunday, 22 October, we join together in prayer to give thanks to God for missionaries everywhere who are spreading hope and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Fr Chantry tell us what mission is, but also what it isn’t:

“Mission is not about imposing, forcing or coercing. It’s about listening, being present with people, accompanying them and acting on what comes from that – the wonderful wisdom from these encounters. Jesus did exactly the same. We’re just following the master. He will show us the way.”

Listen to Fr Chantry speak about World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis’ theme for this year’s celebration, Missio’s focus on the story of Sister Mary in Africa’s biggest slum – Kibera in Kenya, and more.


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Walking pilgrimages in England and Wales

8th August 2023

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Catholic News
Walking pilgrimages in England and Wales

Phil McCarthy is the man behind Pilgrim Ways – a digital resource that provides walking routes to key pilgrimage sites in each of our dioceses. An author, and former CEO of the Caritas Social Action Network, he has created a ‘pilgrim way’ for each diocese – from the cathedral of that diocese to one or more of its shrines.

“These are routes are not just for Catholics to deepen their faith,” says Phil. “They’re for everyone to experience pilgrimage within a Catholic setting.”

The Pilgrim Ways website offers a number of resources to assist in preparing for a walking pilgrimage. It has an interactive map, provides GPX files for the routes that can be downloaded to mobile phones, and there are ‘Pilgrim Passports’ that you can get stamped along the way, not to mention certificates at the end to show that you’ve completed the walk.

Interestingly, the title for the project is Hearts in Search of God, and is inspired by a quotation from Pope Francis where he reminds us that in every pilgrim beats a heart in search of God – whether old or young, sick or in good health, or just a casual tourist.


Visit to access the routes and resources. Our interview with Phil McCarthy was first broadcast in our Summer 2023 ‘At the Foot of the Cross‘ podcast.


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Drought recovery in northern Kenya

2nd June 2023

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Catholic News
Drought recovery in northern Kenya

In this Catholic News podcast, we’re joined by Bishop Peter Kihara Kariuki, Bishop of Marsabit, and Isacko Jirma, Director of Caritas Marsabit.

Marsabit is a semi-arid location 500km north of the capital of Kenya, Nairobi. The local Catholic diocese spans almost 80,000 square kilometres without a single river passing through.

The Horn and East Africa has suffered its worst drought in 40 years. In Marsabit, where 80% of people rely on livestock for their income, their animals have died and their crops have failed.

Bishop Paul and Isacko discuss the pastoral challenges and the social action projects needed to help more than 300,000 people escape food insecurity.


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Helping women recover and heal after an abortion

25th May 2023

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Catholic News
Helping women recover and heal after an abortion

Rachel’s Vineyard is a healing ministry for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion, or have been closely connected to someone who is – whether they’re siblings, grandparents, aunts, cousins. Rachel’s Vineyard recognises that abortion impacts the wider family and community. The organisation also supports those that have worked in the abortion industry and struggle with the part they have played in abortion decisions.

Rachel Mckenzie is the director of the Birmingham-based charity and spoke to us back in June 2022 about the ministry and the growing numbers of people seeking help:

“I tell them firstly that they’re not alone and that they are already loved, and they can get forgiveness, they haven’t committed the unforgivable sin and they just need a place where they can work through that pain and be supported along the way.”

Post abortion trauma is central to the theme of Day for Life 2023.


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What is the Catholic understanding of ‘eternity’?

25th May 2023

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Catholic News
What is the Catholic understanding of 'eternity'?

Recently, Archbishop Bernard Longley was a keynote speaker at a unique interfaith event that examined how followers of the world’s major religions viewed eternity, and how a knowledge of eternity can help us to make the most of the life that we have now.

Organised by The Centre for the Art of Dying Well and the Institute for Theology and Liberal Arts at St Mary’s University, the Archbishop of Birmingham gave the Christian perspective, explaining that “the starting point for understanding eternity is in our relationship with the person of Jesus Christ – God’s eternal son.

“We believe through his life, his death and the resurrection – his rising form the dead that grace by grace, God has shared with humanity the fruits of eternal life.”

In the Catholic tradition, at the moment of death, the Archbishop said that: “prayers are offered which not only bring comfort and consolation to the departing soul, but also give reassurances of life – that life which is to come at the end of this earthly life.”

The five other main speakers alongside Archbishop Longley were: Rabbi Yossi Jacobs, The Chief Minister of the Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, Singers Hill Synagogue; Simon Romer, Teacher of Buddhism; Anjana Shelat, Midland region coordinator of Hindu Mandir Network UK, Trustee at Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple; Dr. Gopinder Sagoo, from the Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewa Jatha community in Birmingham, and Mohammad Asad MBE, lead Imam at Birmingham Central Mosque.


This Catholic News podcast carries an interview with Archbishop Longley recorded a few days before the event. Use the embeded player at the top of this page to listen or use the subscribe links below.

It was part of the bi-monthly ‘Art of Dying Well’ podcast. Listen here.


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Media bishop on the challenges of modern communications

18th May 2023

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Catholic News
Media bishop on the challenges of modern communications

To mark the 57th World Communications Day, this Catholic News podcast looks at Pope Francis’ message for the day and the challenges of emerging technologies with Bishop John Arnold.

Bishop Arnold is the Lead Bishop for Communications for the Bishops’ Conference.

As well as discussing the theme for World Communications Day, Speaking with the heart. ‘The truth in love’, we also discuss the need to embrace emerging technologies with an ethical mind, to ensure human beings don’t suffer on the path to ‘progress’.

World Communications Day is celebrated in the parishes of England and Wales on Sunday, 21 May 2023.

Read more here.


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Why it’s important to pray for the Christians of the East

12th May 2023

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Catholic News
Why it's important to pray for the Christians of the East

Sunday 14 May, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, marks the International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians.

It’s an opportunity to come together to pray for peace in the world – especially in the Middle East. But with so many noble causes competing for our attention, why is it important for us to pray for the Christians of the East with whom we share an indelible link?

And how can we find out more about these Christian communities and the challenges they face? That’s the subject of this Catholic News podcast.

We’re joined by Dr Harry Hagopian, an International Lawyer with experience in conflict resolution and a consultant on the Middle East North Africa region. Importantly, Harry is an Armenian Christian and was a former Assistant General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches.

“When we pray for the Christians of the East, what we should say is, ‘May thy will be done’ and ‘thy will’ is also the will of the Christians there. They are a self-sustaining community. They have their own problems, they have their own challenges, but they also know their solutions better than we do sitting in the West watching EastEnders or Coronation Street advising them what they should or shouldn’t do. That is not being in solidarity. That is religious colonialism.

“What we need to say is, ‘I’m with you. We share one common thing, which is Jesus Christ, and therefore I pray so that you have the will, the power and the strength to continue your witness and do what you do, which is continue your life as we do here, but in different circumstances.'”


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Cardinal gives a Catholic perspective on the Coronation of King Charles III

8th May 2023

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Catholic News
Cardinal gives a Catholic perspective on the Coronation of King Charles III

Speaking to us shortly after Sunday Mass the day after the Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles and Queen Camilla, Cardinal Vincent Nichols looks back on a day of celebration that showcased plenty of elements familiar to Catholics.

Six Catholic prelates attended the historic coronation, including the Cardinal Secretary of State and the Apostolic Nuncio representing the Holy See, and Cardinal Nichols himself who conferred a blessing on King Charles.

The Cardinal prayed that God may pour upon the King “the riches of his grace, keep you in his holy fear, prepare you for a happy eternity, and receive you at the last into immortal glory.”

On this ‘Catholic News’ podcast, Cardinal Nichols reflects on a remarkable and historic occasion, talking about his role, the Catholic elements of the service, not least the Coronation Choir singing William Byrd’s ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’ from the Mass for Four Voices, and why we should pray for the King.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Bishop Tom Neylon on the vibrant Catholic Church in Pakistan

27th April 2023

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Catholic News
Bishop Tom Neylon on the vibrant Catholic Church in Pakistan

Bishop Tom Neylon, Lead Bishop for Asia for the Bishops’ Conference, has recently returned from a week-long trip to Pakistan from 9-16 March.

He visited a number of projects funded by the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need and met with the faithful, priests and bishops in the major cities of Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore and Faisalabad.

The Catholic faithful experience various challenges in Pakistan but the practice rate is extraordinary – over 70% attend Mass.

On this Catholic News podcast, we interview Bishop Neylon about his experiences and encounters.


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Archbishop of Southwark on why we pray for the Pope

31st March 2023

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Catholic News
Archbishop of Southwark on why we pray for the Pope

Archbishop John Wilson tells us of his ‘shock’ when he learned Pope Francis had been admitted to hospital with viral bronchitis. Thankfully, the Pope is on the mend and is scheduled to be discharged from Gemelli hospital on Saturday morning.

In this short Catholic News interview, the Archbishop of Southwark reflects on two memorable encounters with Pope Francis and tells us why it’s important we keep praying for the Holy Father.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple Podcasts, Amazon/Audible or Spotify.

New charity to address ‘great social need’ in South London and Kent

22nd March 2023

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Catholic News
New charity to address 'great social need' in South London and Kent

On today’s Catholic News podcast, Archbishop John Wilson joins us to talk about the launch of CARITAS Southwark – a new diocesan Caritas social action charity to help those in need across the south east.

Archbishop Wilson is keen to work collaboratively:

“This is not about a takeover. This is about creating a network whereby there can be a real celebration of good practise, and where new initiatives, especially in parishes and schools, can find support and direction from existing organisations and charities within the church, so that our diocese, within which there is enormous social need, can really start to put the practical gospel of love, of neighbour into practise in a new way.

“Starting small. We’re sowing little seeds, but from little seeds come mighty oaks. And mighty oaks give shelter, especially to those who suffer and are in pain and in need. We come with faith and we come with a real desire to sow seeds today that will bear fruit in our practical love of those in need.”


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This is Archbishop John Wilson, the Archbishop of Southwark, and I’m very pleased to share news today of the launch of our Caritas Southwark network, which is a new thing for us in the Archdiocese. Today, thanks be to God, following a long process of consultation with people in our parishes and our schools, we’ve been able to formally launch Caritas Southwark as an agency of the diocese to put the Gospel into practise – to make the Gospel flesh. To reach out to the weakest and the poorest and those in need in our communities and ask the question, what can we do? How can we serve? How can we be the loving presence of Christ, that sees with the heart of Christ and the eyes of Christ, with the compassion of Christ, and meets the needs of people – whether it’s to do with food poverty or issues around refugees, whether it’s things to do with care of the elderly, we’ve got projects that we want to explore that look at how we help our young people, especially those who might be tempted, into areas that involve knife crime.

We’re very, very keen to work collaboratively and in partnership and also to explore new ways of how we might work together. We’ve got very good relationships with Pact, for example, that works with prisoners in supporting the link between prisoners and their families. We’ve got good links with the Manna Society (a day centre for homeless people near London Bridge), which is based here in the diocese and which the diocese already supports.

So this is not about a takeover. This is about creating a network whereby there can be a real celebration of good practise, and where new initiatives, especially in parishes and schools, can find support and direction from existing organisations and charities within the church, so that our diocese, within which there is enormous social need, can really start to put the practical gospel of love, of neighbour into practise in a new way. Starting small. We’re sowing little seeds, but from little seeds come mighty oaks. And mighty oaks give shelter, especially to those who suffer and are in pain and in need. We come with faith and we come with a real desire to sow seeds today that will bear fruit in our practical love of those in need.

Great social need

In terms of the challenges to our Caritas project, they’re two-fold. One is to actually get enough people to be inspired – to be involved. That’s why we need volunteers from our parishes and from our schools working collaboratively with other partner organisations. But we need people to be fired up with a love for Christ that wants to put their faith into action, into practise.

We need people to realise the skills that they have and the talents that they have, and to hear their baptismal call. Because this is not to be a clericalist thing. This really needs the baptised in our diocese, the lay people, the lay faithful of our diocese, to really hear the call of the Lord Jesus, to put their faith into action in a most beautiful way.

One of the challenges is that we need to be able to raise up a desire within people to put faith into practise. A second challenge is to begin to discern the areas where need is to be met. So in our diocese, which is a big diocese across all of South London and Kent and the Medway unitary authority as well, there is great social need. There is poverty in parts of South London, there is homelessness. There are all kinds of ways in which people are isolated, they feel lonely, they find it difficult to access services, many of them are struggling.

There are one-parent families, there are people living with real material needs who can’t provide enough electricity and heating for their house, who can’t clothe their children. So there’s a level at which we can really build relationships on a small scale, one by one, to reach out to people who are in practical need.


Compare that, for example, with parts of Kent. Dover is in our diocese. A few months ago, I visited the lifeboat station at the Port of Dover and heard of the incredible work that they have been doing to rescue people who have taken an incredible decision to try and escape persecution, hardship, war in many cases, and cross the Channel. This has been a source of great controversy. There are great political issues at stake here, which to me, really don’t face the crucial issue, which is we have people before us who are in desperate need. And if we lose sight of the desperate need of the people, we lose sight of our conscience as a country. So it was incredible to hear the testimonies of those who work on the lifeboats in Dover. They simply said, “Our mission has always been and will always be to save people in danger at sea. We don’t ask who they are or where they’re from.”

I was really, really impressed by that. And they faced a lot of criticism, the lifeboat association, the RNLI, for this work, and to my mind, they are doing incredible work, as are the churches and different community organisations that work to welcome and support refugees in that part of the world.

So, for me, it’s really, really important that when we think about the needs of the other, that other has a face and that other has a name and that other has a family, that other could be me one day, it could be you one day. And if we lose sight of that, we may as well just give up and stop living. Because if we lose sight of our common humanity, what is the point of being alive?

It’s absolutely essential that we recognise that we are our brother and sister’s keeper. At the heart of any issue is a person. And if we lose sight of the person, then we begin to work in a way that is inhuman and that is intolerable. We must always, at the heart, see the person and value and love the person.

The challenges across our diocese are varied. What we want to begin to do is to discern how we move forward locally, using the talents in our schools and our parishes to provide for our community beyond our churches, beyond those who worship. This is not just to be something that is at the service of ourselves. We want to be present in our communities with the love of Christ. However those needs manifest themselves and whatever people come with those needs, we want to be able to say, we will do our best to help.

Our local parishes work in partnership with local refugee groups. And that’s very, very important. I think this needs a collaborative approach. It needs people to stand together and it needs people to speak together. And I think the key response is always to cut through politics. Politics matter, of course they do, but politics have to be at the service of the human person and the dignity of the human person.

Politics that isn’t at the service of the dignity of the human person is inauthentic. Of course, there are other considerations in all of this. I appreciate that. I’m not naïve. But when a person is in need, the presenting requirement is that we reach out to them.

That, to me, is the fundamental truth of the Gospel. That when a person is in need, my response as a Christian, my response as a human being, is to reach out in love and in support. And there will be issues around all of that which will need resolution. They need humane resolution, not simply isolating people or cutting them off or rejecting them or transporting them elsewhere. That doesn’t help anybody. Global solutions need countries to speak to each other and they need partnership and they need a compassion that puts into practise real solutions, not simply knee-jerk reactions that seemingly solve a problem at the expense of the dignity of human life. That, to me, is just preposterous.

Team effort

The invitation for people to collaborate with us is very, very open. If you’re listening to this message and you think, “Well, look, I’d like to do something for people in need,” please get in touch with your local parish, please get in touch with our Caritas office. If you have a skill that you want to share, whether you are a person of faith or not, if you have a big heart and you want to put love into practise, then we’d be delighted to work with you. This is about us together in our communities for the common good, pooling our resources, pooling our talent, sharing what we have, giving of what we have so that others who don’t have can receive more – simple as that.

For me, there’s a very basic philosophy at work here, which is sometimes we can do something which is never going to be everything but it’s more than nothing. Nothing is not the answer. Something is the answer – even if it’s not everything. So we have to have vision and we have to be able to look beyond the impossible to find the possible.

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