Catholic News

‘Catholic News’ is a podcast carrying interviews with a diverse range of people – lay people, religious and clergy – involved on the front line of the Catholic Church’s work in England and Wales.

Guiding the Catholic Church in the West of England

16th May 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
Guiding the Catholic Church in the West of England

For this special Catholic News podcast, we take a look back on Bishop Declan Lang’s twenty-three years as Bishop of Clifton. Let me set the scene for you…

It was the evening before his successor’s episcopal ordination, and we were fortunate to side-step all the intense planning and preparation for the day to come, in order to sit down in the garden of the retiring Bishop of Clifton as the Spring sun gave out its last.

Metaphorically, the sun was setting too on Bishop Declan’s years of ministry as the ninth Bishop of Clifton – it was just a matter of hours before his handover to the incoming Bishop Bosco MacDonald. So, for this podcast, it seemed apposite to take a stroll with Bishop Declan to look back over almost a quarter of a century shepherding the diocese.

In this ‘Catholic News’ podcast we discuss:

His upbringing on the Isle of Wight
The call to the priesthood
Being both a seminarian and a university student
A meeting with the Apostolic Nuncio – Pope John Paul II’s representative in the UK
A pastoral plan from bottom to top for Clifton
What it’s like being a bishop
How the episcopal ministry comes full circle
Young people – the Church for today and tomorrow
National and international work
The challenge of living with Parkinson’s

Poignantly, when discussing his health challenges, he said:

“It has strengthened my trust in God – that God knows what He’s doing. I’m not saying that God sent me Parkinson’s, but I am saying that you can live through Parkinson’s.

“The Christian message is about life. It’s about death, but it’s about life coming from death. We are people of hope, and we can find God. We might think Parkinson’s is totally destroying lives, but actually God can be found in illness, sickness and vulnerability, and it has made me more vulnerable in some ways.”

Listen to our full podcast interview with Bishop Declan Lang – his last as Bishop of Clifton.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Gaza’s priest | Fr Gabriel Romanelli

27th April 2024

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Catholic News
Gaza's priest | Fr Gabriel Romanelli

Father Gabriel Romanelli is the parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza City. He had to watch from a distance as the horrors of the 7 October Hamas attack unfolded, before Israel’s bombardment of the Strip led to the humanitarian crisis and suffering we now see in this torn land.

Father Romanelli spent a week in the UK, in London and Glasgow, from 22 – 27 April, meeting with Christian leaders and politicians to highlight the plight of the near 500 people still sheltering in the compound of the Holy Family Church.

For this Catholic News podcast, we again partner up with Middle East Analysis – a podcast strand that emanated from the Bishops’ Conference 15 years ago and features our former Middle East North Africa (MENA) consultant Dr Harry Hagopian.

Dr Hagopian, an International lawyer and analyst who has long worked for peace between Israel and Palestine, joins Fr Romanelli in conversation for this special podcast.

We discuss the current plight of the parish community in the north of Gaza, the lack of food, water and medicine, the Pope’s daily phone calls and pastoral concern for the people, the need for a lasting peace, what Catholics in England and Wales can do, the light of faith in the darkness, and much more.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Media Bishop on Pope’s AI message for World Communications Day

19th April 2024

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Catholic News
Media Bishop on Pope's AI message for World Communications Day

This Catholic News podcast looks at AI and Pope Francis’ message for World Communications Day.

Bishop John Arnold, Lead Bishop for Communications here at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, talks about how the technology can make information accessible and support the common good but we should make sure that it is carefully regulated.

“Let’s use machines to assist us in what we’re doing to make our world a better place, to enhance the way we live. But let’s not allow machines in any way to think for us or to make decisions which are not appropriate.”


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Fr Fadi Diab | The Church’s Prophetic Voice in the Holy Land

19th March 2024

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Catholic News
Fr Fadi Diab | The Church's Prophetic Voice in the Holy Land

We keep our firm focus on the Holy Land and whilst we continue to weep as we look on at the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and the suffering of all civilians caught up in this conflict, we’re joined by Fr Fadi Diab to discuss the lived realities of the Palestinian people in the West Bank as well as in the decimated strip.

Fr Diab is from Ramallah and is the rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal Church and also minister at St Peter’s Church in Bir Zeit.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Any hope left in the Holy Land?

8th March 2024

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Catholic News
Any hope left in the Holy Land?

Bishop Declan Lang, Chair of our International Affairs department, recently joined former Middle East North Africa advisor to the Bishops’ Conference, Dr Harry Hagopian, on a special podcast to discuss the tragic events playing out in the Holy Land as the conflict continues to rage in Gaza.

Five long, painful months after the Hamas terror attack of 7 October and the subsequent bombing and ground offensive that has reduced Gaza to rubble and led to several thousand deaths and a humanitarian disaster of the most tragic proportions, this ‘Middle East Analysis’ special asks the question: Is there a road map to peace in the Holy Land or are we eternally to walk the path of violence, revenge and hatred?

Dr Harry Hagopian, an international lawyer, commentator, and MENA region analyst, joins his old friend Bishop Declan for a 30-minute podcast that we have, with permission, uploaded to our ‘Catholic News’ channel.

They look for any signs of light in the darkness, and mourn decades of failure when it comes to securing a lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Why the Lord’s Prayer is so important to us

20th February 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
Why the Lord's Prayer is so important to us

The focus of this Catholic News podcast is the Year of Jubilee in 2025, and the preparation year proceeding it that we’re currently living – the Year of Prayer.

Pope Francis wants the Church to be prepared for the Jubilee Year with a particular focus on prayer, and what better prayer to use than the ‘Our Father’ that Jesus taught us.

During Lent, we are offering a five-week course designed to help us deepen our understanding of the Lord’s Prayer called We Dare To Say.

Father Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales talks to us about how important a prayer the Lord’s Prayer is to us as Christians:

“There is a line in the Our Father that is a prayer of petition, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. When I pray that line, I’m saying, ‘Give me today, Lord, just what I need – just for this day’. In the midst of some of the trials and tribulations of life, but also the joys, it’s about realising that I put my hope in the Lord who gives me everything that I need – the Lord whose kingdom is in heaven.

“‘Give us this day our daily bread’. Why? So that we can joyfully trust and hope in Him, but also so that we can forgive each other, so that we can put right some of those wrongs. Which takes us back to the major theme of a Jubilee year taken from the book of Leviticus – allowing the land to grow fallow, allowing that time of tranquilly and peace, so that we can rid each other of the debts that often occur when we don’t forgive each other, when we’re not kind and supportive to each other. To do that, you have to hope in the promises of the Lord – ‘Give us this day our daily bread’.”


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Deliver Us From Evil

15th February 2024

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Catholic News
Deliver Us From Evil

Deliver Us From Evil is a new booklet, published by the Catholic Truth Society (CTS), offering Catholics a useful set of prayers and supplications, humble requests for the Lord’s help, that can be used in times of fear, distress or temptation.

The prayers are drawn from Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition and are intended for individual use to protect us from the forces of evil.

In this Catholic News podcast, Father Robert Taylerson, a member of our Spirituality Committee and Spiritual Director at Oscott College, joins Liturgy Office Director Martin Foster for a conversation about the booklet and how it can be used by Catholics.

Buy the booklet

Deliver Us From Evil costs £9.95 and can be purchased from the CTS website. It’s a handy pocket-sized guide to help us in the struggle against the powers of darkness.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

A place of belonging for people with disabilities

1st December 2023

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Catholic News
A place of belonging for people with disabilities

As the Church enters the season of Advent, on the first Sunday, 3 December, we also celebrate the International Day of Disabled Persons. It’s an occasion that reminds us, should we need reminding, that the Church needs to be a place of belonging for people with disabilities.

For this Catholic News podcast we’re joined by Cristina Gangemi from the Kairos Forum, her friend Sean, a man who has never let disability get between his love of God and desire to serve the Church, and also Tracy, a lady who helps Sean and kindly assists at those times when Sean’s words are hard to understand during this podcast.

Please do use the transcript too in order to follow the conversation more closely.

We discuss: The International Day of Disabled Persons and why it’s important, valuability not vulnerability, the four Ps to help us value people with disabilities, and finish with a good focus for prayer this Advent.



You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Bishop of Wrexham celebrates Shrine’s elevation to National Status

17th November 2023

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Catholic News
Bishop of Wrexham celebrates Shrine's elevation to National Status

Bishop Peter Brignall, the Bishop of Wrexham, has warmly welcomed the news that the Shrine of St Winefride in Holywell, north Wales, has been elevated to the status of a National Shrine for England and Wales.

The shrine, on Bishop Peter’s patch, has an unbroken 1,400-year tradition of pilgrimage and is part of the national heritage of Wales.

The Bishops, at their Autumn 2023 Plenary meeting, approved its elevation giving it national status, and the move will likely bring more people to this remarkable place of pilgrimage, prayer, consolation, and hope.

“Everyone is more than welcome, whether they are of faith or not, to come and discover a bit of our country’s tradition and heritage, and that they come with open hearts to that commitment to God that they may not have within their own lives, but are able to recognise in the lives of others and be prepared to be touched by that.”

Listen to our podcast to learn more about the story of St Winefride and this remarkable shrine in north Wales.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

General Secretary on Bishops’ Plenary Resolutions

17th November 2023

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Catholic News
General Secretary on Bishops' Plenary Resolutions

Canon Christopher Thomas, General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales speaks about the Bishops’ Autumn Plenary meeting held at Hinsley Hall in Leeds from 13-16 November 2023.

He talks, in particular, about the resolutions from the meeting and is joined by Father Jan Nowotnik to discuss the longer resolution on the Synod that looks at “Steps Towards Renewal”.

On this podcast we address: Environmental concerns, the elevation of the Shrine of St Winefride, Holywell to the status of National Shrine for England and Wales. We also talk about the National Eucharistic Congress that will be held at Oscott College in September 2024, and the conflict in Gaza.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Remembrance: We all need to rededicate ourselves to peace

11th November 2023

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Catholic News
Remembrance: We all need to rededicate ourselves to peace

Dominican friar Fr Samuel Burke OP is a chaplain in the Royal Navy currently serving on HMS Duncan in the Mediterranean. He gave a poignant reflection on remembrance and honouring our war dead on BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.

It was broadcast on 11 November, Armistice Day, known as Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth.

“If, during the two minutes of silence, the enormous shadow of grief and the haunting prospect of future loss can’t provoke each of us to rededicate ourselves to peace then, frankly, nothing will.

“Whatever else you choose to think about during the still moments later today and tomorrow, be sure to make good that solemn promise that we renew each year. We will remember them. They were not so different to us.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Praying for the dead at the beautiful London Oratory Church

10th November 2023

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Catholic News
Praying for the dead at the beautiful London Oratory Church

November is a very important month in the Catholic calendar. It’s the month when we pause on many occasions to remember our friends and loved ones who have died – the Holy Souls. We also remember those killed in the world’s conflicts, especially on Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.

For this podcast, produced in partnership with the Centre for the Art of Dying Well, we head over to South Kensington in central London to speak to Father George Bowen, a priest of the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri.

The community has a most beautiful church. Built between 1880 and 1884, the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the London Oratory – is sometimes incorrectly called the ‘Brompton Oratory’ and is the second-largest Catholic church in London, with a nave exceeding in width that of St Paul’s Cathedral. The architectural style and the atmosphere of the church were deliberately Italianate, in order to bring St Philip’s romanità to nineteenth century London.

So why are we here? Well, partly for the person and partly for this stunning place of worship. Fr George Bowen has vast experience as a hospital chaplain and has accompanied many people on their way to the Lord – Catholics and non-Catholics. As a priest and Oratorian, his stock-and-trade extends beyond what happens in the here and now – beyond this world to the eternal kingdom.

“St Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, talks about our experience in life as if we’re living in a tent,” says Fr George. “We’re living in a temporary place and we need to fold up that tent because there’s going to be a house built for us in heaven. And in a way, when we walk into a church like this, what it reminds us of is the house which is prepared for us in the next world. It’s meant to do that, really. It’s meant to put this world into a different perspective.”

This podcast is a walk-and-talk tour of the London Oratory’s memorials, statues, confessionals, altars, beautiful works of art, and prayerful side chapels – all gateways to a life beyond this world. Prayerful places where we can focus our minds on the Holy Souls and pray for those who have gone before us.


Although we do our best to paint word pictures in your minds, we have an album of images on Flickr that accompany this podcast.

Click here to look through the photos as you listen.

The Centre for the Art of Dying Well

The Centre for the Art of Dying Well is based at St Mary’s University. It’s founding aim is to rethink the art of accompaniment at the end of life. It focuses on public engagement, policy, and research on the subjects of death, dying and bereavement.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

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