Catholic News

‘Catholic News’ is a podcast carrying interviews with a diverse range of people – lay people, religious and clergy – involved on the front line of the Catholic Church’s work in England and Wales.

Faith, fitness and service with humility

24th February 2025

Catholic News
Catholic News
Faith, fitness and service with humility

A special Catholic News podcast in which we speak to the charismatic Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Robert Rigby.

When you picture a Lord Mayor you probably conjure up images of mayoral chains and hats, meeting important people, being the ‘first citizen’ of a city with all the trappings that accompany such an office – but it’s also a role that comes with great responsibility to the people you serve.

Faith and humility play a key part in that service, and the Lord Mayor is not afraid to discuss how his Catholic faith underpins his approach to his work:

“To be honest, my faith is important to me, and I’m not shy when it comes to talking about it. I was educated, actually, by the Benedictines, so I’m proud of that. It instilled in me certain characteristics that have stuck with me in my life…

“I come from a Catholic family and I’m an active Catholic,” says the Lord Mayor. “I go to Church regularly and I find it a great source of inspiration. I want to bring that through to what is a very high-profile position, and it gives me a great benchmark to work from.”

In this 40-minute podcast we also discuss:

His passion for exercise and how, as a distance runner, he is keen to champion the need to be active to Westminster’s school pupils. He promotes the Daily Mile – an initiative that encourages all young children to walk or run a mile every day.

His heart for charitable works – particularly tackling homelessness on London’s streets. One of the two official charities for his mayoral year is the Cardinal Hume Centre.

How the political life is in his blood – his father was a local Councillor and a mayor in 1963.

Being the first Lord Mayor of Westminster to have a Japanese Lady Mayoress – and a little linguistic show-boating to the visiting Emperor and Empress of Japan!

A few light-hearted quirkies – including the official handover, in Oslo, of a Norway Spruce that is transported to the UK and ends up bedecked in lights in London’s Trafalgar Square.

All this and more…


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Caring for Pa

24th January 2025

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Catholic News
Caring for Pa

Understanding the shock, pain, and anxiety that comes after a terminal diagnosis is often best articulated through first-person stories. Today we’re speaking to Matt Parkes about how he cared for his dad, Jeff, at the end of his life.

Jeff became aware something was seriously wrong health-wise in 2011. Something had changed. Something felt different. He had a number of episodes where he would lose his balance, and eventually he was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), a rare brain condition that causes problems with movement, vision, speech, and swallowing.

Not wanting to ‘diminish’, Jeff decided he wanted to end his life and was initially actively suicidal. Matt, a Catholic, managed to steer him away from that course of action – with his wife’s loving help – and spent many years as Jeff’s primary carer.

This was obviously a very difficult time, but in those final years, there were remarkable, poignant moments of love and reconciliation that would never have been experienced had Jeff followed his initial desire to end his life.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Advent reflection from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

19th December 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
Advent reflection from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, took some time out of his very busy schedule to be guest of honour in a joint Catholic News / Middle East Analysis podcast just before the First Sunday of Advent. You can listen to the full podcast here.

This excerpt from the full episode offers the Patriarch’s meditation on faith and hope through the lens of Advent and Christmas:

“The question of Advent is the question of John the Baptist. When he saw Jesus in the River Jordan, he said, ‘He is the Lamb of God. He is the One.’ But when he was in jail, he was perplexed as Jesus was not doing what he expected Him to do. He wanted someone strong to bring justice but He was not doing anything. He ate with sinners. So John asked ‘Are you the one we were expecting or should we wait for someone else?’ This was his question. What was Jesus’s answer? He told John to look at what was happening. The quotation from Isaiah – the blind are seeing, the prisoners are liberated, and so on.

“Jesus is coming and it’s up to us to have our hearts open to see the signs of His presence.”


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

What the Church has to say about the social sciences

11th December 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
What the Church has to say about the social sciences

We have a special guest for this Catholic News podcast episode – Sister Helen Alford OP, the President of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Sister Alford, a religious sister of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena, was born in London and graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in manufacturing engineering, where she was also awarded a PhD.

Touching upon Artificial Intelligence, the role data could play in telling the Church’s story, and what Catholic social teaching has to say about a “human-centred economy”, Sister Alford gives a deep insight into what the Church has to say about the social sciences.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.


Sister Helen Alford, O.P. © Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, Pontifical University of St Thomas (Angelicum). Used with permission.

Latin Patriarch | Cardinal Pizzaballa

2nd December 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
Latin Patriarch | Cardinal Pizzaballa

Our studio guest for this special 30-minute Catholic News podcast is the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa.

Born in northern Italy, the Patriarch, a Franciscan, has spent 35 years of his ministry in the Holy Land. In this time he has seen many episodes of war and tension. The current cycle of violence is particularly devastating.

However, it is the season of Advent and the eyes of the world slowly turn to Bethlehem. Hope prevails in the darkness, and the Patriarch clings to this when discussing the region’s Christians. Cardinal Pizzaballa talks about the intense and challenging situation facing the Catholics of Gaza, the West Bank and Israel. We talk in particular about the small community sheltering at the compound of the Church of the Holy Family in Gaza City.

This episode is a collaboration with Middle East Analysis – a podcast strand that emanated from the Bishops’ Conference 15 years ago and features our former Middle East North Africa (MENA) consultant Dr Harry Hagopian. Harry, an Armenian who once served as an Assistant General Secretary for the Middle East Council of Churches, grew up in Jerusalem and his family has traditionally had close ties with the Patriarchate. He fondly reflects on how his father, a doctor, used to treat former Patriarchs at his GP surgery.

Cardinal Pizzaballa and Dr Hagopian share thoughts on a number of subjects in the half-hour podcast:

Gaza and the Christians sheltering at the Church of the Holy Family
Parish priest Father Gabriel Romanelli and his joy at being back in Gaza 
Memories of engagement with the various Churches of the Holy Land
Hope and grassroots dialogue in the face of war and violence
The Patriarch’s meditation on Advent and faith


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

A Pastoral Approach to Domestic Abuse

21st November 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
A Pastoral Approach to Domestic Abuse

For this Catholic News podcast, we take on a difficult subject – one that needs a carefully considered pastoral approach to those in acute need.

Our topic today is domestic abuse and we’re speaking to Nikki Dhillon Keane from Safe in Faith, an organisation that fosters safe support for survivors of domestic abuse and gender-based violence.

Nikki is a Catholic psychotherapist and counsellor who specialises in domestic abuse, trauma and faith. She is also the author of a book titled: ‘Domestic Abuse in Church Communities: A Safe Pastoral Response’.

That’s what we’re exploring today by looking at the different types of domestic abuse, the challenges faced by victims and survivors, and ways in which the Church can provide effective support to end suffering.

Safe in Faith is a service of Caritas Westminster and promotes trauma-informed, faith-sensitive support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence and exploitation, with a compassionate approach that respects how faith influences their experiences.

This podcast was recorded ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women that is marked on 25 November. Read a statement by the Caritas Social Action Network and the National Board of Catholic Women.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Do you need help?

If you feel unsafe at home or are worried about someone else, please contact:

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Life Fear Free Helpline (Wales): 0808 8010 800 

Rape Crisis: 0808 5000 2222

Galop: 0800 999 5428

If you are concerned that you may be harming the people you love:

Respect Phoneline: 0808 8010 327

You can find more ideas and information about how to help by using these links:

UN Women

Safe in Faith

New lectionary starting to arrive in parishes

23rd October 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
New lectionary starting to arrive in parishes

Canon Christopher Thomas, General Secretary here at the Bishops’ Conference secretariat, gives us an update on the new lectionary that will be used for the first time in parishes across England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent.

Speaking on our monthly At the Foot of the Cross podcast, Canon Thomas tells us that we need to be patient with the new text, and gives us some examples of the differences between the English Standard Version – Catholic Edition – the base text for our new lectionary – and the Jerusalem Bible that has been in use for over 40 years.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Cardinal on Assisted Suicide: Careful what you wish for

10th October 2024

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Catholic News
Cardinal on Assisted Suicide: Careful what you wish for

On this Catholic News podcast, you can listen to the President of the Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, talking about why it’s so important to inform ourselves about assisted suicide and take action to oppose attempts to legalise it.

In a pastoral letter to the priests and people of his diocese, the Cardinal refers to a private members’ bill on assisted suicide that will shortly pass through the House of Commons.

Cardinal Nichols offers three key points for Catholics to be aware of, and calls on the faithful to be fully engaged in the debate and to write to their MP to oppose assisted suicide being rushed into law.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

The God who speaks through the Prophets

25th July 2024

Catholic News
Catholic News
The God who speaks through the Prophets

If you’ve been a regular at Mass over these summer months you will have listened to the guidance of the prophets in our readings.

Whether you’ve heard God’s wisdom and warnings through Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, Micah or Hosea, it’s that time of year when we are given the revelatory word that brings about change in the hearts of some or consolation in the hearts of others.

But, as our General Secretary Canon Chris Thomas tells us, prophets are often misunderstood.

“Lots of people think that prophets are there to predict the future when really that’s not fully their role,” he tells us on our At the Foot of the Cross podcast. “Prophets, as we understand them, are people who are endowed with a supernatural gift of wisdom to be claimed in the hearts of the people. They challenge current day practices and make known to the people the consequences of not changing their ways.”

Canon Thomas uses three vocational stories about prophets and their preaching, focusing on Amos, Isaiah and Jeremiah.

As we go through the Summer, we’ll hear the prophets time and time again. Listening to their words can, at times, be quite difficult, but Canon Thomas offers some advice.

“If you keep in the back of your mind that prophets are given a specific word by God to preach to the people so that they will return to being faithful to the covenant and adapt their way of living,” he says. “They can then, as the Prophet Micah says, act justly, love mercifully or tenderly, and more humbly with God. This then leads them to the fullness of life.”


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

The important role grandparents play in a healthy society

19th July 2024

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Catholic News
The important role grandparents play in a healthy society

Ahead of the World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly, Bishop David Evans has spoken about the need for us to value the elderly and recognise the important contribution grandparents make to society.

On this ‘Catholic News’ podcast we discuss how we can use this day, on Sunday 28 July, as one of thanksgiving and prayer for grandparents and the elderly.

“We might have a rather rosy idea of family life or of the life of older people,” says Bishop Evans, our Lead Bishop for Marriage and Family Life. “In fact, they have their difficulties and their burdens. We are able to recognise these, and to think about the social implications of their isolation. It’s important we pray for them and recognise that they too are included in God’s love for all.”

Bishop Evans affirms young people in their care for the elderly – particularly grandparents:

“One thing that strikes me is the love which grandchildren have for their grandparents. We’re not asking anything exceptional, for them to take care of their grandparents. Many are doing this already, which is a wonderful thing. But it might just be an opportunity just to do something a bit extra for them on this day, to keep them in our prayers, to think perhaps a bit beyond family members, not just our grandparents, but the older people who might live next door.”

He adds a further suggestion for social outreach:

“It may be that one or two people are able, with the proper precautions, to visit older people who live nearby or who live in care homes – paying a little visit to make their day a bit better.”


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Port Chaplain on the joys and challenges of supporting Seafarers and Fishers

5th July 2024

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Catholic News
Port Chaplain on the joys and challenges of supporting Seafarers and Fishers

Ahead of Sea Sunday, the day we come together to pray for seafarers and fishers to thank them for the vital role they play in all of our lives, we spoke to Deacon Nick O’Neill, the Senior Area Port Chaplain for the South of England and Wales for Catholic charity Stella Maris.

In this Catholic News podcast, Deacon Nick discusses the joys and challenges of his job supporting seafarers with host Fionn Shiner.


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

Hospices “help you live until you die”

14th June 2024

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Catholic News
Hospices "help you live until you die"

Hospices – places you go to die, right? Horizontal in a bed for the last months of your life? Decades ago, perhaps, but the modern hospice offers a wide variety of services – all designed to provide high quality, compassionate care for the dying person.

In fact, around 50% of people that use the facilities and treatments go home at the end of the day. It’s time to challenge the stereotypes, bust the myths and go behind the scenes to find out just how hospices work and how they are the jewel in the crown when it comes to end of life care.
Produced in partnership with the Centre for the Art of Dying Well, this special podcast sends us to a truly remarkable place – St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney, East London.

Most people want their death – or that of a loved one or friend – to be comfortable and reconciled. A dignified death. At St Joseph’s Hospice the dying person always comes first so why not listen to find out more?


You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple PodcastsAmazon/Audible or Spotify.

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