Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts

Matthew Chapter 13: 1-43

18th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 13: 1-43

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading the first 43 verses of Chapter 13 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

The disciples ask Jesus why He speaks in parables. He tells them that they know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven but others do not. “…because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”

The chapter is full of parables – the parable of the sower, the parable of the weeds and the parable of the mustard seed and the leaven.

Jesus describes of the parables are prophetic: “I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”


Matthew Chapter 12: 38-50

17th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 12: 38-50

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading the second half of Chapter 12 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

The chapter concludes with the scribes and Pharisees asking Jesus to show them a sign. But He rebukes them saying, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” He warns that this generation will face judgement. Jesus also describes how unclean spirits return to those who think they have their house in order.

The chapter ends with Jesus gesturing to his disciples describing them as his mother and brothers: “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”


Matthew Chapter 12: 1-37

16th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 12: 1-37

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading the first 37 verses of Chapter 12 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

The chapter starts with the Pharisees accusing Jesus’s disciples of unlawful behaviour on the Sabbath.

He tells them that the Son of Man is the Sabbath and rebukes them for condemning the guiltless. He also healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath and the Pharisees started to conspire against him. Finally, in these verses, Jesus warns that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


Matthew Chapter 11

13th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 11

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading Chapter 11 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

In this chapter the focus returns to John the Baptist who is in prison. He hears of Christ’s preaching and healing and sends his disciples to ask Jesus: “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”.

Jesus tells them that there is no man born of woman who is greater than John the Baptist but puts this in context by reminding them that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.

Jesus denounces the unrepentant cities where he has preached warning them that if they do not repent, on the day of judgement they will not be exalted in heaven.


Matthew Chapter 10: 16-42

12th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 10: 16-42

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading the second half of Chapter 10 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

Jesus warns the disciples that they will face persecution for carrying his message of the Kingdom of Heaven. He is sending them out as sheep amongst wolves and that they will be “hated by all” for His name’s sake.

He instructs them not to fear and tells them that those who pick up their cross and follow Him will be rewarded.


Matthew Chapter 10: 1-15

11th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 10: 1-15

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading the first 15 verses of Chapter 10 of St Matthew’s Gospel.

The focus falls on the twelve apostles at the start of the chapter. Jesus gives them authority to cast out unclean spirits and heal diseases. The apostles are named.

Jesus then sends out the apostles to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.”


Matthew Chapter 9

10th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 9

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading Chapter Nine of St Matthew’s Gospel.

Chapter Nine starts with the account of Jesus healing the paralytic. Then He calls Matthew the tax collector to follow him.

Next we hear Jesus telling the disciples of John why his disciples won’t fast until the “bridegroom is taken away from them”.

The chapter continues with stories of healing – the ruler’s daughter is restored to life, the two blind men are healed, as is the demon-oppressed man who was mute.

The chapter concludes with a description of how Jesus went throughout the cities and villages, teaching in synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.


Matthew Chapter 8

9th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 8

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading through Chapter Eight of St Matthew’s Gospel.

Matthew, Chapter 8: 1-34

Jesus came down from the mountain and cleansed a leper in front of great crowds at the start of Chapter Eight.

We then learn of the faith of the centurion and hear the words we echo to this day: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof”.

The chapter continues with accounts of Jesus’s healing and the calming of a storm.


‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Matthew Chapter 7

6th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 7

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading through Chapter Seven of St Matthew’s Gospel.

Matthew, Chapter 7: 1-29

Chapter Seven of Matthew’s Gospel starts with a warning that we should not judge others when we have our own flaws and weaknesses. We’re then encouraged to trust in God who provides and to build our lives with God as our bedrock.


‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Matthew Chapter 6

5th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 6

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by reading through Chapter Six of St Matthew’s Gospel.

‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Matthew, Chapter 6: 1-34

In this chapter, we learn how we should give to the needy without shouting it from the rooftops. We are then given the gift of the Lord’s Prayer before the teaching that we should not accumulate treasures on earth but instead work to create treasures in heaven.

Finally, there’s a lesson in not getting too caught up in worldly anxiety – worrying about putting food on the table or clothes on your back. Trust in God.


Matthew Chapter 5: 21-48

4th March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 5: 21-48

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ series today by delving deeper into Chapter Five of St Matthew’s Gospel.

‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Matthew, Chapter 5: 21-48

In the second half of the chapter, Jesus preaches on anger, lust, divorce, swearing oaths and retaliation before holding up the need to love our enemy.


Matthew Chapter 5: 1-20

3rd March 2020

Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Catholic Bishops' Conference Podcasts
Matthew Chapter 5: 1-20

We continue our ‘Reading Matthew in Lent‘ series today by reading the first 20 verses of Chapter Five of St Matthew’s Gospel.

Reading Matthew in Lent‘ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Matthew, Chapter 5: 1-20

The first half of the chapter focuses on the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes – the blessings recounted by Jesus. We learn that we are to be the salt and light and to bring glory to our Father in heaven.


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