Seeing one another in the life of the Church

Questions to help facilitate discussion around this year’s Racial Justice Sunday theme in your parish, group or school.

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“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.”

1 Peter 3:8

Questions for reflection

As Catholics, we believe in the common humanity of every person and the importance of fraternity in overcoming differences. This year, in the face of turbulent and often divisive global events, it is more important than ever to see one another, in all of our similarity and diversity, in the life of the Church.

We hope that by showcasing the diversity of those who have led holy and exemplary lives, we can learn, be inspired, and engage in positive dialogue with those around us in the shared pursuit of holiness.

The following questions are intended to help facilitate discussion around this year’s Racial Justice Sunday theme in your own parish, group or school.

  1. Which Saint’s story speaks to you or inspires you the most? What lesson(s) can be taken from their story and applied to your everyday life?
  2. Are there any other saints that inspire you? Can you share their stories with your group/school/parish? How can we see Christ through them? What can others learn from them?
  3. What does “seeing one another in the life of the Church” mean to you?
  4. Last year’s “The Image and Likeness of God” resources reminded many of us of the importance of seeing one another as children of God. Why is it important to see one another in the lives of those who have led holy and exemplary lives?
  5. How can we ensure that every person in your school, parish or group is seen, valued and included? Are there any obstacles? If so, how can we overcome them?