Sea Sunday

Every year churches around the world celebrate Sea Sunday, 14 July 2024. It is a day for people to come together to pray for seafarers and fishers, and thank them for the vital role they play in all of our lives.

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Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous
conditions. The number of crews abandoned by their employers is still at a record high. Many are still
being denied the right to leave their ships for even a short break away from the relentless noise and
pressure onboard.

Many are reporting more stress and poorer mental health. Stella Maris is the maritime agency of the Catholic Church. Its teams of chaplains provide practical help and pastoral care to seafarers and fishers in the UK and around the world.

Please encourage your parish to stand alongside seafarers and fishers so that they will always have a friend in port who they can turn to. Your church can show your support for seafarers and fishers this Sea Sunday, and raise vital funds to ensure Stella Maris can support everyone who needs help. Sea Sunday will be celebrated on the 14th July 2024, but you can also choose to celebrate seafarers and fishers any day of the year that suits you.

Stella Maris has produced a range of resources to download to help your parish celebrate Sea Sunday this year, including a parish resource booklet, a poster, and an appeal talk. You can download these, and more, below.



You can listen to our audio appeal below:

Children’s Resources

If you would like to speak to Stella Maris about how you can get involved in Sea Sunday, or to organise a speaker or resources, please find contact details below:

In England and Wales:

Roland Hayes
07887 893763

In Scotland:

Euan Mcarthur
07720 093155

Previous Years Resources