Praying for Racial Justice

At Masses on Racial Justice Sunday, parishes and individuals are encouraged to pray this prayer for an end to suffering caused by racism.

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This prayer can be used by individuals or parishes to pray for an end to racism and discrimination.

God of light and truth,
you call all men and women to live lives of holiness and justice.
Help us to see in one another: a heart which is tender, a mind which is humble
and a care for our brothers and sisters;
so that together we may build up the Body of Christ as a sign of hope and mercy for all.
We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord.

Other Prayers

These prayers were circulated for use on Racial Justice Sunday in previous years.

God of our past, present and future, 
you created each one of us in your image and likeness,
help us to recognise you in each person.

As we pray for end to suffering caused by racism
lead us this day to walk with one another,
pray with one another and work together,
so that we create a future based on justice and healing,
where all can fulfil the hope you have for all peoples. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
