Prefecture of the Falkland Islands

The Catholic Church in the British Overseas Territories of the southern Atlantic Ocean is represented by the Apostolic Prefecture of the Falkland Islands and the Ecclesiastical Mission of St Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension Island.

Here you can read a profile of the current Apostolic Administrator Fr Tom Thomas IC and his predecessor Abbot Hugh Allan, O.Praem.


For more information, please visit the official site for the Prefecture of the Falkland Islands.

Image credit: Andrew Shiva on Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Father Tom Thomas IC

A profile of the Apostolic Administrator of the Prefecture of the Falkland Islands, Father Tom Thomas IC.

Abbot Hugh Allan, O.Praem

A profile of the former Apostolic Administrator of the Prefecture of the Falkland Islands, Fr Hugh Allan, O.Praem.