Pope Francis: The Olympic Games are an ‘unmissable opportunity’ to foster peace

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Pope Francis, in a message to the Archbishop of Paris ahead of the Olympics, has heralded the Games as an opportunity to break down prejudices and bring friendship where there is hatred.

“The Olympic Games are, by their very nature, about peace, not war,” the Holy Father wrote to Archbishop Laurent Ulrich. “I hope that the Paris Olympics will be an unmissable opportunity for all those who come from around the world to discover and appreciate each other, to break down prejudices, to foster esteem where there is contempt and mistrust, and friendship where there is hatred.”

The Pope also expressed his belief that sport can unite and encourage dialogue:

“Sport is a universal language that transcends frontiers, languages, races, nationalities and religions; it has the capacity to unite people, to encourage dialogue and mutual acceptance; it stimulates the surpassing of oneself, forms the spirit of sacrifice, fosters loyalty in interpersonal relations; it invites people to recognise their own limits and the value of others.”

The Paris Games, that will take place from 26 July to 11 August, will see the local Christian communities open the doors of their churches, schools and homes to support and offer hospitality to athletes and visitors alike.

“Let them open the doors of their hearts, bearing witness to the Christ who dwells within them and who communicates his joy to them, through the gratuitousness and generosity of their hospitality to all,” wrote Pope Francis. “I greatly appreciate the fact that you have not forgotten the most vulnerable, especially those in very precarious situations, and that access to the celebration has been made easier for them.”

Looking at the Olympic Games as an opportunity to uphold a spirit of ‘truce’ amidst the global disharmony we are living through, the Holy Father said:

“In these troubled times, when world peace is under serious threat, it is my fervent wish that everyone will take this truce to heart, in the hope of resolving conflicts and restoring harmony. May God have mercy on us! May He enlighten the consciences of those in power to the grave responsibilities incumbent upon them, may He grant the peacemakers success in their endeavours, and may He bless them.”

The Pope concluded his message by imparting his blessing and entrusting the Olympics to Saint Geneviève and Saint Denis, Patrons of Paris, and to Our Lady of the Assumption, Patroness of France.

Read the full letter on vatican.va.