Episode » The Body of Christ | Episode 22

The Body of Christ | Episode 22

At the Foot of the Cross
At the Foot of the Cross
The Body of Christ | Episode 22

The only place to start with June’s At the Foot of the Cross podcast is to offer an apology. After two months of radio silence, we return with an episode that looks back over April and May and forward into June. At least it’s packed with audio clips to keep you engaged!

The thread running through our conversation with regular studio guest Canon Christopher Thomas, General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference, is the Body of Christ. Released just after the great feast of Corpus Christi, Canon Thomas reflects on a weekend he spent helping out with priestly duties in Grimsby.

“I told the people, you’re going to hear me say ‘The Body of Christ’ six or seven hundred times this weekend,” says Canon Thomas. “These four words contain the most profound mystery of love that we can experience.”

He shapes his reflection around three understandings of the Body of Christ: the physical body born of Mary, the resurrected body that ascends to heaven, and the Body of Christ in the Eucharist that sustains us all.

In terms of news, we look back on the visit to the UK of Fr Gabriel Romanelli, Gaza’s priest who is now back in the Strip with his parishioners. We discuss the episcopal ordination of Bishop Bosco MacDonald for Clifton and the retirement of his predecessor Bishop Declan Lang. We talk about the launch of a new document from the Bishops of the International Affairs department – Called to be Peacemakers – on weapons, emerging technology and disarmament. Then it’s time to move forward looking ahead to the General Election, Day for Life and Adoremus.

With Canon Thomas’s reflection to boot, and a few words on pilgrimages with a particular focus on Lourdes and the National Shrine to St Winefride at Holywell in North Wales, there should be something for everyone in this month’s packed offering.


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