Episode » Assisted Suicide | Episode 24

Assisted Suicide | Episode 24

At the Foot of the Cross
At the Foot of the Cross
Assisted Suicide | Episode 24

At the Foot of the Cross returns with a new episode as we enter the autumn months, and October’s podcast takes on a subject that is literally life or death. On Wednesday, 16 October, the House of Commons heard the first reading of a new bill on assisted suicide tabled by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater. This is an attempt to legalise assisted suicide and we simply must raise our voices to oppose it.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference, has issued a powerful and important pastoral letter on this difficult subject encouraging Catholics to be fully engaged in the debate and to write to their MP to oppose assisted suicide being rushed into law.

Regular studio guest, our General Secretary Canon Christopher Thomas, joins us for his penultimate podcast. After serving two full five-year terms, Canon Thomas returns to his diocese – Nottingham – in mid-November but not before he imparts his analysis and prayerful wisdom on this and other key issues crossing his desk this month.

As well as assisted suicide, we discuss the installation of a new bishop in Plymouth, the next Bishops’ Plenary meeting, the new Lectionary, and finally we have an excellent scriptural reflection to meditate on.


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