Episode » Acts 11: 1-30

Acts 11: 1-30

Reading Acts in Easter
Reading Acts in Easter
Acts 11: 1-30

In this episode we read Acts 11: 1-30. Peter goes to Jerusalem and reports to the Church how the Gentiles have received the Word of God. Chapter 11 concludes with an account of the Church in Antioch. Barnabas is dispatched to Antioch and exhorts them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.

Reading Acts in Easter is a full reading of the ‘Acts of the Apostles’, one-a-day from Monday to Saturday throughout the season, taken from the English Standard Version of the Bible. The book of Acts, written by St Luke, gives an account of the early church after Christ’s Resurrection.


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Reading Acts in Easter is a full reading of the ‘Acts of the Apostles’, one-a-day from Monday to Saturday throughout the season, taken from the English Standard Version of the Bible.

The book of Acts, written by St Luke, gives an account of the early church after Christ’s Resurrection.