Peace Sunday 2025

Peace Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 19 January 2025. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this year is ‘Forgive us our trespasses: Grant us your peace’. Pax Christi have produced a series of resources to mark the day.

Also in Justice and Peace

Called to be Peacemakers >

Since its establishment in 1967 by Pope St Paul VI, the Popes have taken the World Day of Peace on 1 January as an opportunity to offer a message on peace related topics.

Every year, with Pax Christi, we promote Peace Sunday on the second Sunday in Ordinary Time as a way of observing the World Day of Peace and promoting the Pope’s message for that year.

In 2025, Peace Sunday will fall on Sunday 19 January and our hope is that as many parishes as possible across the country will mark the day.

Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Peace has been published and his theme is ‘Forgive us our trespasses: Grant us your peace’.

The message speaks of how we must listen to the ‘pleas of an endangered humanity’, how the year of Jubilee inspires us to seek the liberating justice of God in our world and how by ‘opening our hearts to our brothers and sisters, we will restore God’s justice on earth’and ‘move forward to achieve the goal of peace’.


Including homily notes prepared by Fr. Gerry Mcflynn

Including a reflection from Sr Katrina Alton on this year’s Peace Sunday theme

Peace Sunday 2024

Peace Sunday 2024 is Sunday 14 January and the theme chosen by Pope Francis is ‘Artificial Intelligence and Peace’. Pax Christi have produced a series of resources to mark the day.

Peace Sunday 2023

Peace Sunday follows the international World Day of Peace and is celebrated in the parishes of England and Wales on the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time. In 2023 this falls on 15 January.