Marriage Week 2024

Marriage Week is an annual celebration offering the opportunity to support and promote marriage and family life. It is celebrated this year from 7-14 February.

A Christian marriage is rooted in faith; that means faith in God, as the giver of life and the one who promises eternal life to those who believe in him.

We have an eight-page PDF resource that you can download to pray through this week and reflect on the vocation of marriage – a response from two people, by God’s sustaining divine grace, who promise to build a lifelong, intimate and sacramental partnership of love and life.

Bishop Evans' message for Marriage Week 2024

Lead Bishop for Marriage and Family Life, Bishop David Evans, on the value of marriage, based on sincerely lived vows, to men and women and to society as a whole.

Reflection on marriage as a vocation

James Ryan from the National Office for Vocation reflects on the vocation to marriage as a God-given opportunity for mutual love and growth.

Reflection on the Sacrament of Marriage

Jane Deegan from the Diocese of Shrewsbury offers this reflection on marriage as a sacrament.

Reflection on the joy of marriage

Beccy Roseman from the Kenelm Youth Trust shares her reflection on how part of the role of a married person is to help their spouse get to heaven.

Steps to nurture your relationship

These three positive steps, to think and pray about, were written by a married parishioner from the Clifton Diocese.

Preparation, Support, Help and Ongoing Formation

The church offers preparation for marriage, and opportunities for sustaining and deepening the couple’s relationship through formation.