Marriage Week helps us focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and family life.
Also in Marriage and Family Life
Marriage Week > Marriage > Family Life > Family Synod > 1980 Family Synod > World Meeting of Families > Family Ministry >7 – 14 February 2023
The fundamental message of Marriage Week is that marriage is worth investing in, because all the research shows that stable families make for a happier society. It’s also really important to keep working on a marriage. Couples who do so are more likely to stay together.
All God’s people are called to live a life of holiness through their vocation. Spouses, through the vocation to marriage, should follow their own path to holiness, which is sustained by the grace of the Sacrament.
Love is the central and the most fundamental aspect of the Sacrament of Marriage. St John Paul II stated that “Love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being” (Familiaris Consortio 1981).
Each Marriage Week has a theme. Read more about the theme for 2023 – Marriage… one flesh, given and received.
Each Marriage Week has a theme. The purpose of this theme is to provide a focus for couples to be able to join in.
Here's a prayer we can pray during Marriage Week to thank Almighty God for the gift of the vocation to marriage.
We are very fortunate, as Catholics, to be able to call on the saints to inspire us in all our joys and celebrations - not to mention our trials and tribulations. Here we also have links to organisations that promote Catholic marriage.