Lord Mayor of Westminster gets chopping at Catholic charity family centre

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Yesterday, Tuesday 20 August, the Lord Mayor of Westminster swapped his official outfit for a specially branded Mayoral apron to prepare lunch for families at the Cardinal Hume Centre.

The Lord Mayor called into a family session at the centre, which is based just off Horseferry Road. The Mayoral visitor joined in with an arts and crafts session themed around birds, then got his hands dirty on the clay modelling table.

But with lunch time approaching, Cllr Rigby donned an official Lord Mayor of Westminster apron – the first ever produced – for the important job of chopping carrots.

The Cardinal Hume Centre offers hostel accommodation, skills training and advice on Government help available to both teenagers and local families. This year the Centre supported 1318 clients including 589 families with children and 312 people who are 24 or under.

Cllr Robert Rigby, the Lord Mayor of Westminster, said: “The Cardinal Hume Centre is doing an amazing job in the heart of our City. The family area gives parents a break with their children enjoying imaginative play in a safe environment. Talking to parents,  it’s clear the chance of catching up and making new friends proves a lifeline.

“The Cardinal Hume Centre is one of my chosen charities for this year – so what better place to debut the official Lord Mayor of Westminster apron while I was on kitchen duty!

“The staff and volunteers are the kind of people who keep the wheels turning in Westminster. I look forward to running the Royal Park half marathon on October 13th to raise money for this outstanding cause.”