Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme

Help us ensure that our most important architectural treasures remain open for future generations by contacting your MP to encourage them to secure the future of this vital scheme to protect historic places of worship.

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Since 2001 the Listed Places of Worship Grants Scheme (LPWGS) has enabled communities which care for our historic churches to reclaim VAT on repair works, injecting much needed funds into our parishes. Thousands of volunteers across the UK care for our churches – sacred spaces where we celebrate all of life’s most important moments, but also places which promise beauty, community, and a variety of increasingly essential services such as homeless shelters and foodbanks. The scheme comes up for renewal in March 2025, and we are calling on people to write to their local MP to alert them to the potential threat of closure of the scheme, and the disastrous impact this would have on our churches. Without this scheme, many of these important historical and architecturally important buildings will be at risk of closure.  

Securing the continuation of the LPWGS will ensure that our churches remain open and accessible for present communities and future generations. We are asking that the government extends the scheme, ensuring a sustainable future for these buildings.

You can make your voice heard and contact your MP by simply entering your postcode and following the subsequent steps below.