
Lent is a time for turning again to the practice of our faith - in prayer, self-denial (fasting) and practical generosity (almsgiving).

Lent is a 40-day fast — a reference to the time Jesus spent being tempted in the desert. It’s a time when we can prepare our hearts for the remembrance of Christ’s death. Our observance of Lent culminates in the solemn celebrations of Holy Week when on Palm Sunday we follow Christ from his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem to the foot of the Cross as sorrowful bystanders to His Passion, before rolling back the stone of the empty tomb and the joy of the Resurrection.

The six-week period is dedicated to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for this great celebration of Christ’s Paschal Mystery in the Easter Triduum.

Lent is a spiritual springtime. It’s a joyful season, as the Roman Liturgy puts it, a time when God wants to give us new grace and new life.

Rt Rev. Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth

You can read Pope Francis’ Message for Lent 2025 here.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the doorway into this season of renewal. It is celebrated this year on Wednesday, 5 March.

Pope Francis: Let us journey together in hope

"Let us journey together in hope" Pope Francis says in the opening of his Message to the faithful for Lent 2025.

Lent Project 2025

Lent is a sacred season of preparation, inviting us to journey with Christ through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As we follow Jesus from the wilderness to the Cross and ultimately to the joy of the Resurrection, we are called to deepen our faith and renew our commitment to God.

The Big Lent Walk

This Lent, CAFOD are calling all Catholics to walk 200km in 40 days to help fight Global Poverty.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent - a time for prayer, self-denial (fasting) and practical generosity (almsgiving).

Previous Resources for lent

Our offices, agencies and dioceses offer content to help your spiritual journey through Lent. Here are links to some of those resources.

Lent and Easter at the Movies

As we travel on a journey of faith through Christ's passion, death and resurrection, this audio series, Lent and Easter at the Movies, relates a series of films to the day's Gospel reading.