Lectionary-Scripture Formation Resource

New Lectionary-Scripture Formation Resource to help you, your parishes and schools deepen your love of Mass, the Bible and living the Gospel in daily life.

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Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you – that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.
Luke 24:44-45

This resource is for Liturgical Ministers, formators, leaders, catechists and teachers in our dioceses.

We provide a range of practical ideas and ways to help you, your parishes and schools:
Develop a deeper love and engagement with the Scriptures during and outside of Mass.
Develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Lectionary and Scripture.
Develop other tools, approaches and resources according to your needs and contexts.

We encourage you to be creative and flexible in how you use these ideas and resources to suit your different communities and needs.

We include helpful web links and further resource materials to support our information.


Key Contents:
How the Bible Speaks to Catholics
Approved Bibles for public and private use
Catholic Churches as sacred spaces
Structure of the Mass and the Lectionary
Liturgical Cycles, Seasons, Saints and Feast days
Seven Sacraments
Readers and Lectors
Creed and Coffee mornings
Prayer Groups, Bible Book Clubs and Study Groups
The Arts, Social Justice, Neurodiversity and Scripture
The Bible in Everyday Life and a Scripture Crash course