The Holy Father has asked that 2024 be a 'Year of Prayer' to prepare for the Jubilee. This section offers resources, including the Our Father in different languages.
Also in 2024: A Year of Prayer
Sycamore Prayer Course >The Holy Father has asked that 2024 be a ‘Year of Prayer’, as a preparatory year for the Jubilee. Dioceses are invited to promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.
One idea might be for “pilgrimages of prayer” to be organised at a diocesan level – these would be effectively courses or ‘schools of prayer’ with monthly or weekly meetings, presided over by the local bishops, but open to the entire People of God. In addition, to help mark this year more fruitfully, the Dicastery for Evangelisation will publish a series of “Prayer Notebooks”, with material taken from the many forms of prayer to be found in the rich Catholic tradition.
Resources we have in this section are:
Join us as we pray the 'Our Father' using a diverse cross-section of the world's languages.
This Pilgrims of prayer booklet, produced by the Institute of Jesuits, introduces exercises that you may find useful to practise prayer.
These resources have been produced to draw people to a deeper encounter with Jesus through Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Pilgrim Ways is a digital resource that provides walking routes to key pilgrimage sites in each of our dioceses.
Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time.
We Dare To Say is a resource for faith-sharing groups on The Lord's Prayer structured over five weeks.