Jesuit Institute Prayer Programme 2023-2024

Jesuit Institute Prayer Programme 2023-2024.

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May it be an intense year of prayer in which hearts are opened to receive the outpouring of God’s grace

Pope Francis

Eastertide Adventure in Prayer – Online

Eastertide – Monday 13th – Friday 17th May 2024 Afternoons: 14.00- 15.15 OR Evenings: 19.30-20.45

Find a way of praying that works for you and experience the riches of prayer with our online course. Adventure in prayer will involve being guided in different types of prayer, individual time for prayer and sharing in small groups.

Imagine – Online

First Wednesday of Every Month at 20.00-21.00 on Zoom
Join us for a guided meditation with the imagination: a chance to meet, pray and share with others, and a space of nourishment once a month, live on Zoom.

Go to for more details of all their events.

Pray as you go – App, Website and Podcasts

A daily prayer session, designed to go with you on the move. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture of the day and some questions for reflection.