A series of A4 PDF posters featuring Our Lady and the Child Jesus from a diverse cross-section of countries and cultures.
Also in Racial Justice
Racial Justice Sunday > Our Father > China > Saints of Colour > Racial Justice Discussion >We have produced a series of A4 PDF posters, that individuals or parishes can download, featuring Our Lady and the Child Jesus from a diverse cross-section of countries and cultures. Although by no means exhaustive, we hope this series highlights the rich diversity of our Catholic community and encourages reflection on how we are all made in the image of God. The posters also carry a prayer taken from Pope Francis’ document Fratelli Tutti. The posters are produced in English but, in some cases, where we have been able to, we have added a suitable translation.
This icon from Brazil is a depiction of Our Lady of Aparecida and can be found in the Brazilian Catholic Chaplaincy.
The icon used in the following poster is a depiction of Our Lady of Mercy, on display at the Episcopal Ordination of Monsignor David Macaire as Archbishop of Saint Pierre and Fort-de-France in Martinique, March 2015.
Middle East
The image of the icon of Our Lady and the Child Jesus depicted on this poster was taken in the Middle East.
Missio #1
The photograph of this icon of Our Lady and the Child Jesus was taken at the offices of Missio in England and Wales – the Church’s official agency for overseas mission.
Missio #2
Another beautiful icon of Our Lady and the Child Jesus photographed at the offices of Missio in England and Wales – the Church’s official agency for overseas mission.
The image of the icon of Our Lady and the Child Jesus depicted here is Our Lady of the Philippines.
Rather than a 2D icon, this is a statue of Our Lady and the Child Jesus photographed at the Vietnamese Catholic Chaplaincy in East London.
When turning our hearts to racial justice we’d encourage Catholics to pray the words of Pope Francis taken from his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti – on fraternity and social friendship:
Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,
reflected in all the peoples of the earth,
so that we may discover anew
that all are important and all are necessary,
different faces of the one humanity
that God so loves.