Identifying potential solutions or ways of managing the issue

Social action is not just about identifying problems in our societies – it is about finding ways of managing problems or finding potential solutions to difficult issues we face in our societies.

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
Jeremiah 29:7

Social action is not just about identifying problems in our societies – it is about finding ways of managing problems or finding potential solutions to difficult issues we face in our societies. Decision makers will take more notice of those who have positive suggestions to make rather than supplying lists of negative complaints.

You can identify potential solutions in a number of ways:

  • Look to what the Bible has to say about social injustice and upholding justice.
  • Does the Bible say anything specific about your issue and more generally about how we should relate to one another. (See Section 2).
  • Use learning from previous Catholic thinking and thinkers, Vatican documents, policy statements and other research from Catholic organisations and universities.
  • Look at solutions the UK Parliament and Senedd Cymru (Welsh Parliament) may already be considering
  • Research what other organisations, thinktanks and networks have suggested.
  • (See Section 5 for links to relevant websites and organisations). 
  • Draw from your own expertise and experience.
  • Contact the Social Justice and International departments at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales for ideas and advice.
  • Contact your diocesan departments that focus on social action e.g. Justice and Peace, Caritas, SVP, marriage and family life, human trafficking and the environment.
  • (See Section 5 for links to relevant websites and organisations). 

Next Steps

  1. Identify the issue and get a group together
  2. Research and analyse the issue
  3. Identify potential solutions or ways of managing the issue
  4. Decide what message about the issue you want to get across
  5. Identify who needs to hear your message; and who you need to influence
  6. Decide how you will get your message across
  7. Create prayer resources and prayer events

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