Most people want their death – or that of a loved one or friend – to be comfortable and reconciled. A dignified death. The content in this section will explain how hospices work and demonstrate why they are the jewel in the crown when it comes to palliative and end of life care.
Also in Life Issues
FAQs on assisted suicide > Opposing Assisted Suicide > Assisted Dying Inquiry 2023 > Church Teaching > Prayers - Serious Illness > Art of Dying Well > Anscombe Bioethics Centre > Day for Life > Living and Dying Well > APPG for Dying Well > Assisted Dying Bill > World Day of the Sick >Hospices – places you go to die, right? Horizontal in a bed for the last months of your life? Decades ago, perhaps, but the modern hospice offers a wide variety of services – all designed to provide high quality, compassionate care for the dying person. In fact, around 50% of people that use the facilities and treatments go home at the end of the day.
In order to dispel stereotypes and to understand exactly what happens in a hospice, we visited a truly remarkable place, St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney, East London.
The content in this section will enable you to find out how hospices work and demonstrate why they are the jewel in the crown when it comes to palliative and end of life care.
Most people want their death – or that of a loved one or friend – to be comfortable and reconciled. A dignified death. At St Joseph’s Hospice the dying person always comes first so why not browse this section to find out more?
The filmed interviews you’ll find here were produced for audio content for a special podcast, in partnership with the Centre for the Art of Dying Well. Listen here or on your preferred platform.
Jane Naismith, Director of Clinical Services at St Joseph's Hospice and Joint Chief Executive, explains what a hospice is and what it does.
Debbie Pegram, Matron at St Joseph's Hospice, tells us what good end of life care – and specifically palliative care – looks like.
A heartening video showcasing the companionship and camaraderie in Day Hospice, not to mention the wonderful, caring staff.
Day Hospice Manager and nurse Zenab Ali tell us more about the caring and compassionate environment at St Joseph's Day Hospice.
The Patron of St Joseph's Hospice is Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster.
Here we learn about the history and mission of St Joseph's Hospice from Sister Maria Coates, herself a Sister of Charity, and Head of Mission, Carolyne Barber.