Social Justice

The Department for Social Justice assists the bishops in promoting Catholic social action.

The department promotes marriage and family life, offers support for vulnerable and marginalised people and works to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Areas of Work

As Christians we are inspired to be good stewards of the earth, to conserve and protect God’s creation and the earth’s resources.

Health and Social Care
Our role in the field of healthcare is to advise, consult and inform on key healthcare issues and a recent review of the Healthcare Reference Group’s work has shaped its future structure and mission.

‘Faith in Politics’ is a Parliamentary and Public Affairs internship scheme, which was started in 2003. It provides up to eight recently graduated Catholics with intensive experience of political and social action in a spiritual context.

Life Issues
All life is sacred – a gift from God. This is why the Church opposes abortion (ending life in the womb) and Euthanasia (ending life before natural death).

Marriage and Family
The Catholic Church has a long tradition of recognising the importance of healthy marriage and family life to the wellbeing of individuals, neighbourhoods and to the Church itself.

Mental Health
We aim to increase spiritual and pastoral support in our Catholic communities for those with mental health challenges, their families and carers.

Prison Ministry
Over 85,000 men and women are in prison in England and Wales today – an estimated 15,000 are Catholics.


Contact details for the Department for Social Justice and its subcommittees.

Social Justice Annual Report

Annual report for the work of the Department for Social Justice