An Examination of Conscience is simply a list of some of the ways that we can love God and our neighbour, and some of the ways we can fail to love through sin. Reflecting on an Examination of Conscience helps us to be honest with ourselves and honest with God. It is not meant to be a burden. It helps us to examine our lives, and to make a good confession, so that we can be at peace with Christ and with one another.
An Examination of Conscience is simply a reflection about some of the ways that we can love God and our neighbour, and some of the ways we can fail to love through sin.
Reflecting on an Examination of Conscience helps us to be honest with ourselves and honest with God. It is not meant to be a burden. It helps us to examine our lives, and to make a good confession, so that we can be at peace with Christ and with one another.
The important thing, of course, is to love, and to live our Catholic faith with our whole heart. But now and then it is useful to spell out what this really means, and to make sure that we are not kidding ourselves.
Many people find it helpful to examine their conscience by reflecting on the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 1 – 17). As we reflect on it, we can ask the Lord to shine his light into our hearts. Some things will not apply to us; but if something in particular touches our conscience, then we can bring it to confession.
Above all, let us remember God’s mercy and his love for us. His love never fails or changes. He loves us passionately, with infinite kindness and tenderness. The only reason we remember our sins is so that we can turn to him and receive his forgiveness, and learn to love him in a new and deeper way.
[1st Commandment] I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. [2nd Commandment] You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
[3rd Commandment] Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
[4th Commandment] Honour your father and your mother.
[5th Commandment] You shall not kill.
[6th Commandment] You shall not commit adultery. [9th Commandment] You shall not desire your neighbour’s wife.
[7th Commandment] You shall not steal.
[8th Commandment] You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
[10th Commandment] You shall not desire your neighbour’s goods.