In this section, we provide the basics on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our material answers some of those frequently asked questions. How often should I go to Confession? How do I deal with nerves? We also highlight what's involved in Confession and how you can prepare properly.
Also in Confession
What's Confession? > Forgiveness > Survey > Published Materials > Confession Links >In this section, we provide the basics on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our material answers some of those frequently asked questions. How often should I go to Confession? How do I deal with nerves? We also highlight what’s involved in Confession and how you can prepare properly.
So what's involved in Confession and how do you prepare properly? This article gives you the steps - before, during, after - and helps you to use the Sacrament to get closer to God.
Catholics are required to receive the Sacrament at least once per year. However, if you are aware of having committed any mortal (serious) sin, you should receive the Sacrament. That being said, all are encouraged to take advantage of the Sacrament on a regular and frequent basis. Frequent reception helps us keep aware of our spiritual progress and provides the grace to overcome our sins.
An Examination of Conscience is simply a list of some of the ways that we can love God and our neighbour, and some of the ways we can fail to love through sin. Reflecting on an Examination of Conscience helps us to be honest with ourselves and honest with God. It is not meant to be a burden. It helps us to examine our lives, and to make a good confession, so that we can be at peace with Christ and with one another.
Sometimes we get nervous about going to confession. But don’t let nerves or fear hold you back. However long it has been, however bad the sin, however embarrassed you feel – don’t let anything stop you from going to confession.