Behold 2020 is the event that celebrated the Re-dedication of England as "The Dowry of Mary". We made a personal promise and a communal entrustment.
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On the Feast of Corpus Christi 1381, King Richard II dedicated England to Mary in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey in thanksgiving for his kingdom being saved at the time of the Peasants’ Revolt.
England received the title ‘Mary’s Dowry’; meaning that England was ‘set aside’ as a gift – a dowry – for Our Lady under her guidance and protection.
We were able to give ourselves and our country to Mary by responding in two ways – by making a personal promise and a communal entrustment.
Download the prayers below and follow the re-dedication. Cardinal Vincent Nichols filmed a recitation of the prayers.
Personal Promise
Our personal promise brings us closer to Mary, the first disciple of Christ. In this we unite in her joy by following her openness to God’s call. The Angelus Promise is a prayer of commitment in which we proclaim our own “Yes” in union with Mary through the words of the Annunciation.
Communal Entrustment
Our communal entrustment unites us together as the people of our country in prayer, by renewing the vows of dedication made to Mary by our ancestors. The Act of Entrustment of England to The Virgin Mary is a prayer of profoundly historic and spiritual nature. Bringing together the prayers of surrender and dedication that have echoed through our history.
More information on the official website.
You can join us to pray the Angelus Prayer and the Act of Entrustment with Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Subtitles and signed version also available (BSL).
Join the ongoing Novena invoking the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Walsingham to free us all from the Coronavirus. It starts today and will continue until the world is free and healed of the terror of Covid-19.