This year the theme is Significance – inspired by Flame and the incredible Apostolic Exhortation – Christus Vivit
Celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King, National Youth Sunday is an opportunity to recognise young people as a gift in the Church, enable the youth ministry and parish community to celebrate young people and affirm the contribution of young people in the Church and those who work with them.
This year the theme is Significance – inspired by Flame and the incredible Apostolic Exhortation – Christus Vivit
As young people, Jesus speaks to us directly, calling us to live a life of purpose. This call has been echoed throughout history by the fearless missionary disciples who chose to answer the invitation to live as Jesus lived. Today, don’t miss the chance to be re-awakened, re- energised and reconnected to this call to live.
We are not called to live lives of survival, or even lives of success, as the world sees it, but a life of significance.
This National Youth Sunday, we must recognise that all of us have a responsibility to continue taking an active part in the mission Jesus sets us – the mission which leads us to see that we are more than we think, more than we own, or more than we can do. We are God’s beloved, chosen to reach out into a broken world and to bring it back together. We are called to become the hands and feet of Jesus who lived the challenges of what it means to be human. We recognise that it’s not always easy, but Jesus promises that he will be with us on the journey of life and that one day we will be with him in paradise.
For him, you have worth; you are not insignificant. You are important to him, for you are the work of his hands.
(Christus Vivit 115)
No matter the situation, you are significant now! You are the missionary disciples the Church needs today. The demand is great, the opportunities endless. God’s love is boundless and the support of youth ministry is continuous. How will you choose to live a life of significance?