National Youth Sunday is a unique opportunity to celebrate the role and significance of young people in the Catholic Church in England and Wales today.
Also in Days and Weeks of Prayer
World Day of the Sick > Grandparents and Elderly > Peace Sunday 2020 > November Novena > Lockdown Prayers > Month of the Rosary > Sunday of the Word of God > Youth Sunday 2020 > Communications Day > Vocations Sunday 2020 > Pray for China > People with Disabilities > Digital Youth Ministry >Celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King, National Youth Sunday is an opportunity to recognise young people as a gift in the Church, enable the youth ministry and parish community to celebrate young people and affirm the contribution of young people in the Church and those who work with them.
This year the theme is Significance – inspired by Flame and the incredible Apostolic Exhortation – Christus Vivit
Catholic Schools provide an incredible opportunity to help all young people grow, learn and become the people God made them to be.
We are called and challenged to think this weekend as a parish community, not just what our Young People can do for us but what we can do to welcome encourage and empower our Young People to feel like they belong.
Bringing faith home can be difficult with so many pressures and challenges placed upon home life.
National Youth Sunday calls all young people to think about what following Jesus means to them.