November is the month when Catholics traditionally remember loved ones who have died and offer services and support to those who have been bereaved.
Also in Days and Weeks of Prayer
World Day of the Sick > Grandparents and Elderly > Peace Sunday 2020 > Lockdown Prayers > Month of the Rosary > Sunday of the Word of God > Youth Sunday 2020 > Communications Day > Vocations Sunday 2020 > Pray for China > People with Disabilities > Youth Sunday 2019 > Digital Youth Ministry >This November, we are particularly aware of the millions of people who have died from Covid-19 and those whose bereavements have been particularly painful since they were unable to be with their loved one when they died.
The Novena can be prayed at any time during November but might be especially appropriate this year leading up to the Feast of Christ the King when we have the Gospel in which Jesus says to those who have lived good lives: ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world’. We know that few of us die ready to hear those words – but, equally, few of us have done enough evil to hear Christ tell us to go away. Most of us will continue our journey towards perfection – sustained by the prayers of all the saints (canonised and un-canonised) and those we have left behind whose love extends beyond death.
Our prayer, then, is that those who have died with be borne on the wings of our prayers to the moment when they are ready to enter fully into their eternal home.
In the Novena, we have included War dead as the first intention as November also includes Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day. If you are praying the Novena and 11 November is within your dates, we suggest that you use this intention then and adjust the others as appropriate. Alternatively, you may wish to pray the Novena leading up to Christ the King and dates have been given for that.
This Novena was prepared by members of the Spirituality Committee on behalf of the Liturgy Office.
(or 15 November) for babies who have died before, during or shortly after birth.
(or 20 November) for those whose death is sudden – accident or natural disaster
(or 21 November) for those who die as a result of poverty – hunger – preventable disease.