Good Friday is a day of silence, sorrow, and profound gratitude. As we stand at the foot of the Cross, we witness the depth of Christ’s love.
Gospel: John 18:1–19:42
First Reading: Isaiah 52:13–53:12
Psalm: Psalm 30(31):2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
Good Friday is a day of silence, sorrow, and profound gratitude. As we stand at the foot of the Cross, we witness the depth of Christ’s love—a love that endured unimaginable suffering for our sake. The weight of our sins bore down upon Him, yet He willingly embraced the Cross to bring us redemption.
This day calls us to reflect deeply on the price of our salvation. Do we truly comprehend the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice? Are we willing to embrace our own crosses with faith and trust in God’s plan? The words “It is finished” (John 19:30) remind us that Christ’s mission was one of complete surrender. We, too, are invited to surrender our fears, burdens, and sins at the foot of the Cross, trusting in His boundless mercy.
Lord Jesus, as we journey through Lent and stand before You on this Good Friday, we are humbled by the depth of Your love. You willingly endured suffering and bore the weight of our sins on the Cross to offer us redemption. Help us to reflect deeply on the magnitude of Your sacrifice. May we embrace our own crosses with faith and trust in Your divine plan, surrendering our burdens and sins at Your feet. As You declared, “It is finished,” remind us of the fullness of Your surrender and the boundless mercy You offer for the salvation of the World. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Spend time in silent reflection before a crucifix or at a church, meditating on Christ’s Passion. Offer up any personal suffering to Him.