Holy Land Co-ordination

Since 1998, the Department of International Affairs has organised the annual meeting of the Co-ordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land.

Since 1998, the Department of International Affairs has organised the annual meeting of the Co-ordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land.

Holy Land Co-ordination Mandate

The Mandate for the Holy Land Co-ordination.

Holy Land Co-ordination 2023

A group of Bishops from around the world were in Jordan for the annual Holy Land Co-ordination from 14 – 19 January 2023.

Holy Land Co-ordination 2022

A group of Catholic Bishops from across Europe were in Jerusalem for the annual Holy Land Coordination – visiting from 21–26 May 2022.

Holy Land Co-ordination 2017

Bishops from around the world visited the Holy Land to promote dialogue and the building of bridges on the 50th anniversary of occupation. The Holy Land Co-ordination ran from 14 - 19 January 2017.

Holy Land Co-ordination 2016

Bishops from across Europe, North America and South Africa visit the vulnerable Christian communities of Gaza, Bethlehem and refugees in Jordan for the 2016 Holy Land Coordination meeting.

Holy Land Co-ordination: Final Communiqué 2015

Statement of the Co-ordination of Bishops’ Conferences in support of the Church in the Holy Land. 2015.

The 2014 Holy Land Co-ordination saw a delegation of 12 bishops, priests and other representatives of the worldwide Church make the annual visit to the lands of Christ's birth and ministry.

The Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination have issued their Final Communiqué as the meeting draws to a conclusion.

Final communique of the 2012 Holy Land Coordination

A Pledge of Prayer, A Call for Pilgrimage and A Commitment to Pursue a Just Peace

Catholic Bishops of the 10th Holy Land Co-ordination today urged political leaders and people of goodwill to be courageous in seeking a just peace in the Holy Land. This year the focus was on the crucial situation in East Jerusalem: property confiscations and evictions.

Stop the violence! Stop the killing! Start to build peace! Over and over again we heard these cries during the ninth visit of the Coordination of Episcopal Conferences to the Mother Church of Jerusalem in this divided and suffering land. The violence in Gaza was on everyone's minds and lips. We heard directly about the human tragedy from the parish priest of Gaza, Father Manawel Musallam.

In the wake of a traumatic year for Israelis, Palestinians and the peoples of the Middle East, the work of our Co-ordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land seems more important than ever before. In our home countries and among Catholic people, there is enormous interest in and concern for the situation in the Middle East.