Holy Land

The Christian community in the Holy Land represents a physical link between the modern world and the life and times of Christ – they are the ‘living stones’ of our faith. Since 1998, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales has organised the Holy Land Co-ordination.

The Christian communities in the Holy Land are under intense pressure. The International Affairs department, on behalf of the Bishops of England and Wales, works to support them and holds them always in prayer.

Pray for Peace in the Holy Land

Pope Francis, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, and church leaders the world over are encouraging Catholics to pray for peace for the suffering people of the Holy Land.

Holy Land Pilgrimage Guidelines

We understand Scripture better when we have seen Judea with our own eyes and discovered what still remains of ancient towns which Jesus himself knew.

Holy Land Co-ordination

Since 1998, the Department of International Affairs has organised the annual meeting of the Co-ordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land.