Holocaust Memorial Day we learn more about the past, we empathise with others today, and we take action for a better future.
Thursday, 27 January 2022
One Day – 27 January – that we put aside to come together to remember, to learn about the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, in the hope that there may be One Day in the future with no genocide. We learn more about the past, we empathise with others today, and we take action for a better future.
We have recorded an interview with a holocaust survivor – a remarkable 97-year-old woman called Stella Zylbersztajn–Tzur. Stella was placed in Łosice Ghetto in eastern Poland at the age of 15 but was able to escape the ghetto during its “liquidation” on 22 August 1942. The majority from Łosice Ghetto – including Stella’s mother – were killed in the Treblinka extermination camp north-east of Warsaw. Listen to her story.
Resources for churches produced by the Council for Christians and Jews (CCJ) offer further explanation of the theme as well as poetry, psalms, prayers, a Scriptural reflection, further reading and more. Download the PDF.
The Council of Christians and Jews is a nationwide forum for Christian-Jewish engagement.
As well as the PDF resource, the Council of Christians and Jews offers the ‘One Day’ Prayer that can be said on or around Holocaust Memorial Day. Read more.
Stella Zylbersztajn–Tzur survived the Holocaust. She’s now 97 years old and is a Polish woman of Jewish heritage.