Enabling lay Catholics to get involved in social justice initiatives

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The Charles Plater Trust invites bids from organisations working with people to help them play an active part in the Church’s mission on social justice and Catholic social teaching.

Grants will be awarded to projects which equip the Catholic laity to apply Catholic social teaching and play an active part in the Church’s mission. Projects could be in the fields of social planning, housing, justice or politics, using the principles of The Common Good and the Second Vatican Council.

Some past projects awarded grants included:

  • An innovative ‘School for Life’ – meeting ‘ordinary’ young people in the midst of their daily realities and training them as leaders in the lay apostolate.

  • A programme to identify, nurture, educate, train and sustain young Catholic leaders aged 16 to 33 through a mixture of intensive residential programmes lasting up to a week.

  • An education project for Catholics in leadership roles in healthcare, helping them to draw on Catholic social thought in the application of justice in healthcare allocation. Leadership here meant those who have administrative or managerial responsibility for making decisions

  • A Higher Education Consortium collaborated to enable students to make a contribution to society based on Catholic social teaching, whether they are working in education, care or other areas.

Further Information

Further information on the Plater Trust and of projects it has supported through its grants can be obtained from the official website

The Charles Plater Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to advancing the work of Father Charles Plater by developing social justice through education. Established as the successor to the former Plater College, Oxford, the Trust makes grants to organisations throughout England and Wales in pursuit of the Plater vision in its modern context. Each year a theme is used to highlight a particular side of this vision, whether emphasising the development of lay leadership, bringing education and opportunity to the most marginalised, or developing innovative new applications of Catholic social thought.


The Common Good and the Catholic Church’s Social Teaching