‘Id al-Fitr
19 August 2012
In a message to the world’s Muslim communities, Vatican Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has focused on the shared need to educate young Christians and Muslims for justice and peace – something he describes as “inseparable from truth and freedom”.
Writing as we approach the Islamic festival of Eid at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Cardinal Tauran, President of the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, encourages young Muslims and Christians to take a stand for peace together:
“In the tormented world of ours, educating the young for peace becomes increasingly urgent. To engage ourselves in an adequate manner, the true nature of peace must be understood: that it is not limited to the mere absence of war, or to a balance between opposing forces, but is at one and the same time a gift from God and a human endeavour to be pursued without ceasing. It is a fruit of justice and an effect of charity. It is important that believers are always active in the communities they belong to: by practising compassion, solidarity, collaboration and fraternity, they can effectively contribute towards addressing the great challenges of today: harmonious growth, integral development, prevention and resolution of conflicts, to name just a few.”
He concludes by inviting young believers to maintain the “patience and tenacity necessary for realizing these ideals, never resorting to doubtful compromises, deceptive short-cuts or to means which show little respect for the human person. Only men and women sincerely convinced of these exigencies will be able to build societies where justice and peace will become realities.”
In the top right-hand corner of this page you can download Cardinal Tauran’s full message for ‘Id al-Fitr and also download and information sheet for parishes.
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A blog by Katharina Müller – Interreligious Adviser to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales