Social Justice

The Department for Social Justice works for the common good, promotes marriage and family life, offers support for vulnerable and marginalised people and works to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Prayers - Serious Illness

Prayers and Scripture for use in times sickness and death

Assisted Dying Bill

Opposing the Assisted Dying Bill.

Church Teaching

Church teaching on End of Life Issues

Sharing Ideas

St Mary’s Catholic school has put Laudato Si’ at the heart of its curriculum.

School Case Study

St Peter's Eco Committee has helped halve the school’s carbon footprint.


Living simply, more sustainably and in solidarity with poor communities.

Laudato Si’ Centre

A space for practical action to care for our common home.

Case Studies

How parishes, church groups, organisations and academic institutions are collaborating to help protect our common home.

Parish Case Study

Presbytery garden provides green space for the community.

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