Social Justice

The Department for Social Justice works for the common good, promotes marriage and family life, offers support for vulnerable and marginalised people and works to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Culture of Life

Our second day of our Novena for Life focuses on the promotion of a culture of life being the highest priority in our societies

All life has inestimable value

The first of nine days of prayer and readings to encourage a flourishing of a culture of life and end abortion.


Experiences of post abortion trauma.


Prayers for the intercession of St Joseph, patron of the unborn.

Rachel's Vineyard

Helping those suffering from the trauma of abortion.

Help and Support

Three organisations that can help.

DFL 2023 Message

One woman's story offering the opportunity for hope, healing and reconciliation.


Resources and links to help you engage with the initiative.

Assisted Dying Inquiry 2023

Written evidence to the Health and Social Care Select Committee Inquiry into Assisted Dying/Assisted Suicide.

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