Social Justice

The Department for Social Justice works for the common good, promotes marriage and family life, offers support for vulnerable and marginalised people and works to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Novena – Day 2

We pray for those who experience abuse and violence.

Novena - Day 1

We pray for those who experience mental anguish.

CSAN Message

Caritas Social Action Network's message for the World Day of the Poor.

Pope's Message

Pope Francis reminds us to be friends with the poor.

2023 Statement

Ahead of the Government’s 2023 Autumn Statement, the Department for Social Justice has released a cost-of-living statement.

An Introduction to CST

Caritas Social Action Network offers introduction course into Catholic Social Teaching

Summary of Laudate Deum

A summary of the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum.

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