Social Justice

The Department for Social Justice works for the common good, promotes marriage and family life, offers support for vulnerable and marginalised people and works to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

The Big Lent Walk

This Lent, CAFOD are calling all Catholics to walk 200km in 40 days to help fight Global Poverty.

Bishop's Message

A reflection on the World Day of the Sick saying that we must remember how crucial palliative and hospice care is

Linda Johnson

A personal reflection on how we can be agents of change


Parish toolkit, newsletter text, questions for groups, and two presentations for schools.

Persuade others in joining you to take important issues forward.

Persuade other people to join you in taking the issue forwards.

Peace Sunday

Peace Sunday is celebrated on 19 January 2025. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this year is ‘Forgive us our trespasses: Grant us your peace’.

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