Decide how you will get your message across

Getting your message across can be the most challenging part of social justice. How can one voice out of millions be heard?

‘…He also poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves, “Take these things out of here!  Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!”’
John 2:15b-16

Getting your message across can be the most challenging part of social justice. How can one voice out of millions be heard? There is no one way – so be imaginative and creative.

Do remember that your MP, Senedd Member or other representative are there to represent their communities, so when you raise issues with them they value your opinions in helping to shape their policies and further action. In this way, it is really important that you try to make your voice heard because when you do, you are living out your faith and speaking up for the vulnerable, just as Jesus commanded us to do.

Influencing decision makers:
Engagement with decision makers is available to people of all ages and political affiliations. You do not need to be registered to vote, of voting age or of a shared political party in order to contact your MP, Senedd Member or other local representative. Building relationships with decision makers enables you to collaborate with them longer term and helps create trust in raising issues across different priority areas.

Write them a letter or email
It is always best to write personalised letters or emails to those you hope to influence. Decision makers want to hear about how an issue specifically affects the people they represent – your voice can be very powerful!

Make sure that you use their correct title (e.g. Rt. Hon., Councillor etc) and get your message across in a positive and polite way. Invite them to come and see your project or the work you are doing.

This will help them to stay engaged with you and the issue you are highlighting. Don’t forget to thank them if they reply.

This is not only good manners but helps to develop a working relationship should you wish to contact them again about the progress of your issue or another issue.

Visit them
Most politicians provide opportunities for face to face meetings. MPs and Senedd Members hold constituency ‘surgery’ hours, during which time you can talk individually to them. You can visit them either as an individual or as a small group. Make sure you have your message planned clearly and concisely – take short additional written information for them as well if you have never met them before as this will help them to remember you and your issue.

Invite them to a meeting
Why not invite your MP, Senedd Member, regional or local government representative to an event or discussion related to your issue you are focusing on? Get a group of people from your church and other local community networks together to raise questions, participate and debate and then afterwards, take time to review what social action is required next.

Provide them with a briefing paper
Politicians get their information from many sources – you could be one of them! Find out from your diocese or from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference website whether a briefing on your issue has already been produced, or write one yourself. Briefing papers are just that – brief – so use bullet points to outline the issue, its impact and your solutions. Including up to date statistics or a case study add credibility to your briefing. For more information about how to write a briefing paper, see Section 5.

Respond to central Government consultations (Green Papers)
Government consultations provide citizens with the opportunity to comment on Government proposals. Consultations are usually posted on the relevant Government department’s website and are generally open from 8 to 12 weeks. Check whether the Catholic Church is sending a co-ordinated response on a related issue.

Organise a rally
Rallies or protests are another way of raising awareness and galvanising support. They require planning and good co-ordination to ensure that meeting places and routes are well publicised and that the event is stewarded. You will also need to notify the local police force about your event at least 2 weeks beforehand. Make sure you contact your Diocesan Communications Officers to gain maximum positive media coverage and support.

Send an e-Petition
e-Petitions are a good way to raise awareness of an issue and get more supporters.
e-Petitions are easy to sign and most are circulated by email or social media.

Number Ten Downing Street website has an e-Petition page where you can post and sign petitions.

You will need five other people to support the application.

Simply go to: and follow the instructions on that page. 
There is an 80 character limit for the title of your petition and you need to be very clear what you are asking the Government to do.  Once you have submitted the title, the next page will ask you to provide further detail on what you want the Government or Parliament to do, and why you want them to do it.  You can find further information on how petitions work here:

Once your petition is live, you will be able to publicise it and anyone will be able to come to the website and sign it.  Your petition will show the total number of signatures received.  It will also display the names of signatories, unless they have opted not to be shown.

If a petition receives more than 10,000 signatures, it will receive a response from the Government. 
If it receives more than 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in the House of Commons.

Downing Street will email the petition organiser and everyone who has signed the petition via the website giving details of the Government’s response.

For further details: Petitions – UK Government and Parliament

The Senedd Cymru website has an e-Petition page where you can post and sign petitions.
You will need two other people to support the application. 

Simply go to:
For monitoring petitions: Petitions – Senedd

Influencing others:
Distribute information sheets, newsletters and online information. Raise awareness of the issue and highlight your campaign in your parish and diocesan newsletter and websites. Contact your Diocesan Communications Officers to help spread the message including on social media which is vital to gain maximum support.

Using the Media
It is helpful to talk to your Diocesan Communication Officers about how you should approach the media. They will ensure that your story is represented positively and show you how to:

Use social media carefully
and create virtual support groups

Responding to social media requires polite and positive action. Well-thought out responses increase support and attention of the issue, and reduce the risk of inflammatory and negative comeback.

As social media can share messages around the world in seconds, it is essential that it is used to galvanise support for your issue. Creating a virtual support group to raise awareness of your issue is quick and easy to do. It also enables people who cannot meet in person to support your cause as they can pray, petition and promote the issue wherever they are and at any time. This can greatly increase the groundswell and momentum for change.

Use print, radio and TV.
Approaching local media with a story may prove the most successful avenue but it is worth trying to get national coverage as well. Writing letters, emails and press releases to the local and national newspapers, radio and TV will also help get the message across.

Plan your message and timing carefully.
The media are interested in putting a human face to a story or issue so explain your message in terms of how it affects you and your community. Bear in mind that working with the media involves working quickly and to very tight and changing deadlines.

Research what other media coverage there has been about your issue
It may be useful for you to provide a new angle on an existing issue.

Plan what you want to be reported
You do not have to let journalists set the agenda if you are well prepared.

Be aware that the media will be looking for a particular angle
They may present your message in a different slant from the one you intended. However, not all journalists follow the particular bias of their paper, TV, radio station and social media channels.

You will need to reinforce your message time and again. As your social action progresses, evaluate what have been your most successful methods of communication. For more information about how to write a press release, see Section 5.

Host a public meeting or event
If you are aware of local interest in your issue then gather supporters together. A meeting or event provides you with the opportunity to reinforce your message, share ideas and strengthen your campaign.

Take advantage of meeting other people who might be interested in your campaign.
This might be at church or at a public meeting. You may be interested in talking with other faith groups or networks e.g. schools or local businesses and learning what they think about the issue.

Next Steps

  1. Identify the issue and get a group together
  2. Research and analyse the issue
  3. Identify potential solutions or ways of managing the issue
  4. Decide what message about the issue you want to get across
  5. Identify who needs to hear your message; and who you need to influence
  6. Decide how you will get your message across
  7. Create prayer resources and prayer events

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