Day for Life 2023

The theme in 2023 was ‘Listen to Her’ and focused on post-abortion trauma and the impact of abortion primarily on women, but also men and others.

The theme in 2023 was ‘Listen to Her’ and focused on post-abortion trauma and the impact of abortion primarily on women, but also men and others. The message for the Day in 2023 was unique in that the bishops’ handed it over to a Catholic woman who has had an abortion to share her experiences. Often the voices of women who have had an abortion are silent in Church and in society. The hope was that this would help break this silence and offer further opportunities for healing and reconciliation.

Resources were created to enable parishes to highlight and pray for Day For Life. Included the Day for Life 2023 Message and Prayers.

Day for Life Message 2023

This year’s 'Day for Life' message is written by a woman in the hope that it can offer opportunities for healing and reconciliation.

Day of Life 2023 receives Apostolic Blessing

Pope Francis has sent a message with his Apostolic Blessing to Catholics in England and Wales, Ireland and Scotland who will celebrate Day for Life on Sunday, 18 June 2023.

Need help after an abortion?

Have you or someone you know been affected by abortion? There are some wonderful organisations that can help you. Here are three that we are profiling.

Prayers for Day for Life

These two prayers for the intercession of St Joseph, patron of the unborn and defender of life, can be used on or around Day for Life to bring our intentions to the Lord.

Rachel's Vineyard

Rachel's Vineyard is a healing ministry for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion.

Post Abortion - Testimonies

These testimonies come from women and men who are willing to share their experiences of post abortion trauma, or have walked alongside those who needed help and support.