Requiem Mass for Sir David Amess

Requiescat In Pace » » Requiem Mass for Sir David Amess

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has celebrated the Requiem Mass for Sir David Amess MP at Westminster Cathedral. It took place at 10:30am on Tuesday, 23 November.

Sir David was tragically killed at a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Pope Francis, in a message read by the Papal Nuncio, praised Sir David for his “years of devoted public service guided by his strong Catholic faith.”

Papal Message

Saddened by the tragic death of Sir David Amess, His Holiness Pope Francis asks you to convey his heartfelt condolences and the assurance of his spiritual closeness to the Amess family.

His Holiness recalls with gratitude Sir David’s years of devoted public service guided by his strong Catholic faith and evidenced in his deep concern for the poor and the disadvantaged, his commitment to the defence of God’s gift of life and his efforts to foster understanding and cooperation with the Holy See in its universal mission.

Commending Sir David’s soul to the loving mercy of Jesus Christ our Saviour, the Holy Father prays that all who honour his memory will be confirmed in the resolve to reject the ways of violence, to combat evil with good (cf. Rom. 12:21) and to help build a society of ever greater justice, fraternity and solidarity.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State 

Order of Service


The homily was given by Canon Pat Browne, Catholic Duty Priest to the Houses of Parliament.


Rt. Hon. Ann Widdecombe DSG delivered a tribute to Sir David Amess noting his drive and passion as an MP.