Why do we want to see the two-child cap policy scrapped?

Catholic Social Teaching firmly rejects the two-child cap policy on Universal Credit payments on a matter of principle, namely its implication that larger families are a burden, rather than a blessing, to society.

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In Pope Francis’s words, large families are “an investment to guarantee the futures of our societies”.

The existence of the two-cap policy implies that society owes less financial security to third, fourth or younger children, de facto meaning they are devalued.

In challenging times, the cap can prompt families to make difficult decisions about having new pregnancies rather than rightly valuing every new life as sacred and a blessing.

Inspired by caritas – ‘love’

Caritas means ‘love’. Inspired by our Catholic teachings, Catholic charities, diocesan Caritas organisations, and local parishes are at the forefront of supporting families to flourish. They provide food banks, care packages and essential welfare to innumerable families in need, however often the local voluntary sector is unable to meet demand caused by persistent and widespread financial insecurity.

Take action now

The Bishops’ Conference has launched an e-Action campaign to enable Catholics to simply but effectively make their strength of feeling known on this issue. We encourage all Catholics to take part in this e-Action campaign. You can make your voice heard and contact your MP by simply entering your postcode and following the subsequent steps here: