
Papal Visit

Re-live Pope Benedict's visit to the UK

Eric’s Story – “To share in order to grow”

Eric had to flee to save his life...

Caritas in Veritate

Caritas in Veritate - or Charity in Truth - is Benedict XVI's third Encyclical Letter.

Spe Salvi

Spe Salvi - or Saved by Hope - is Benedict XVI's second Encyclical Letter.

Deus Caritas Est

Deus Caritas Est - or God is Love - is Benedict XVI's first Encyclical Letter.

The New Pope

The Latin announcement Habemus Papam! - "We Have a Pope!"

Observance of Secrecy

Details about the level of secrecy Cardinals maintain during Conclave.

Resolving Deadlock

What happens upon a deadlock vote?

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